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                 SMUT WARNING
(can somebody make a this book a cover, this book kind of blowing up and the cover is making me self conscious. The writing is already ass, I can't have a basic cover to match )


You walk into the living room with your popcorn.

Micheal reaches his hand out and you hand him the bowl while you sit on the couch.

"Start the movie, babe." Micheal tells you.

You nod your head and  grab the remote.

As soon as you press play your phone starts to ring.

You look at your phone for a while.

"Wassup, aren't you going to answer that?"

You shake your head no.

You can feel him eyeing you.

You look over and raise an eyebrow.

He forces a smile and turns attention back onto the movie.

You squirm over and lay in his lap.

You start watching the movie and you look up to see Micheal sleeping.

You shake your head and suddenly your ringer goes off really loud waking him up.

You quickly grab your phone to try to cut the ringer off but Micheal grabs it first.

Micheal jumps up making your head hit the wooden part of the couch.

"Fuck!" You shout

"Yo, who the fuck is this, and why do you keep calling!?" Micheal shouts.

Micheal looks at the phone and then glares at you.

He tries to get back into the phone and fails.

He charges towards you and grabs you by your collar.

"Unlock this shit" he grunts.

"Micheal what the hell is wrong with you, let me go!" You say trying to loosen his grip.

"I just want you to unlock the phone!"

You shove him so hard that he falls back and rips your shirt.

You leap off the couch and run into the bedroom and lock the door.

"Alright, I see how it is!" Micheal shouts.

You put your back to the locked door as you feel your eyes starting to form tears.

You hear him slam something on the ground.

You already know it's your phone.

You blink and hot streams quickly roll off your face.

You shake your head and sit on the bed.

You start to sniffle and wipe the tears away from your eyes.

"Are you crying?" Micheal asks in a concerned tone.

You don't say anything.

"Come baby, open the door." He says calmly.

You go to the dresser and grab a tissue and begin to blow your nose.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it this far."

"Nah, you took this shit way to far."

"I'm wrong. I know."

"If you knew you wouldn't act like this. I'm going to fix your ass though."

Micheal starts aggressively yanking and twisting the door knob.

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