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     "Who are you?" Cassie said defensively. "I'm Vanny. Little child, what are you doing here?" She asked kindly. Cassie felt that she could almost trust this person. Almost. "I was helping a friend." Cassie said. She eyed this person, trying to get a better look at her. She could see rainbow streaks in this person's hair. She thought that was pretty cool. Suddenly, she remembered something Gregory had said. 'Vanny tried to kill me!' Cassie took a step back. "Little girl, there's nothing to be scared of! Tell me your name so we can be friends!" Vanny said sweetly. She sounded so kind and inviting, but Cassie was not about to fall for it. "I'm Cassie." She said. "Well, Cassie, why don't you follow me? I'll take you back to your parents." She said. Cassie thought about the offer. 'Am I seriously considering this?' "No thanks." Cassie brushed past Vanny. As she did, she noticed Vanny was hiding a knife behind her back. Cassie broke into an all-out run. She could hear Vanny behind her. "Come back, Cassie! I'm not going to hurt you!" But Cassie kept running. She ran until she was out of breath. 'I've gotta find somewhere to hide!' She thought frantically. 

     Somewhere in her, a voice whispered, 'Just kill her.' Cassie stopped. Was Cassidy back, or was it her own mind? Vanny took this pause to catch up to Cassie, knife aimed straight for her face. "Wait!" Cassie cried. "Please!" Vanny paused. "Hmmm. I guess I don't have to kill you... At the moment." She laughed. "C'mon Cassie! If you insist on living, you can do me a few favors." Cassie trembled. She could see why Gregory had been so scared of this Vanny-shaped killer. "What do you want me to do?" Cassie asked nervously. "Well, you can deactivate that stupid program your friend set up. " Vanny said coolly. "Gregory? I forgot about him." Cassie lied. Her former friend still haunted her thoughts. "And I literally just activated it." Vanny took out her knife and pointed to it. "Forget I said anything." Cassie said. If she could get the knife away from Vanny maybe... No. She wasn't that person anymore. Cassie had sworn to herself to never hurt a living person again. But maybe she could sneak away at some point. 

     Suddenly Vanny stopped. "What's going on?" Cassie asked quietly. "Shush." Vanny hissed. "Hello? Yes, I hear you... No, I haven't found her yet... Or him... I know. I'm trying my best. I will. Alright, we- I'm on my way." Vanny said. Then, she abruptly started walking again. "Um, what was that!?" Cassie blurted out. "My boss. And you're welcome, by the way. If he had known you were with me he would have wanted your head." Cassie squeaked and ran to keep up with Vanny.  "Who are you looking for?" Cassie asked. "Who do you think? My boss is collecting children. You, and your friend Gregory, are perfect." Vanny answered. "Uh, I hate to break it to you, but I might've, sort've, maybe... Killed Gregory." Cassie squeaked. "Really? You...", Vanny gestured to her, " killed someone." "Yeah!" Cassie said, faking pride. "And I'll do it again!" She lied, trying to scare Vanny. Vanny laughed mockingly. "I respect your bravery, Cassie. But lets be honest, that's not happening."

     'Wait, Roxy is around here somewhere!' Cassie thought hopefully. 'Maybe...' Cassie strained to hear footsteps, and unbeknownst to Vanny, they were being followed. "So, what does your 'boss' want with me?" Cassie asked, hoping to distract Vanny. "I don't really know." She said casually. "Something something remnant, something something kill kids, something something eternal life." This caused Cassie to pale quite noticeably, earning an odd look from Vanny. Vanny stared at her, but then her gaze softened. "You'll be ok, kid. Its not that bad, really." "But why do you work for them? Can't you stop this?" Cassie reasoned. "I.... I don't know." Vanny stopped. "No. I have to keep going." She continued walking. "But why?" Cassie asked. "Because I have to... I can't stop now." Vanny's gaze flickered, and she turned to look away. "Are you being forced to do this?" Cassie asked, reaching out to comfort Vanny. Vanny turned back to her on contact, knife raised. Then, she lowered it and took a deep breath. "Sorry. I don't know what came over me." She said. 

    Cassie looked behind herself, no sign of Roxy. That was a good thing because Vanny looked behind them just a second later, a suspicious look on her face. "Expecting someone?" She asked. "N-no." Cassie lied. Suddenly, Cassie found a knife pointed at her throat as Vanny yelled out, "Hey! If anyone is there, I will not hesitate!"  "Roxy, help!"Cassie called out. " I knew it!" Vanny cried triumphantly. Roxy leaped out from the shadows and prepared to lunge, but after seeing the situation she put her hands up. "Good dog." Vanny said mockingly, earning Roxy's best glare. "Stay there. The kid is coming with me." Vanny said, stepping away slowly. She pulled Cassie along with her. "If you move, she dies." Vanny emphasized. The wolf nodded, too frustrated yet scared to speak. And so they left Roxy behind. 

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