Chapter Six: Catch a Train

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(Y/n) puts both of her palms on the rustic metal door giving it a good push, she opens it enough for us to pass. Helena does through and jumps a foot drop down onto the track. I bend my knees and drop landing with ease. I turn around to help (Y/n) placing my hands on her waist, I felt her body slightly tense at my touch. I set her down and she looks up at me seeing those (E/c) eyes of hers. 

(Hunnigan)-"Leon, Helena. We'll be out of contact when you're in there." Hunnigan spoke right into my ear piece making me break our eye contact. She goes on walking ahead into the darkness blindly with Helena leading the way. 

(Hunnigan)-"I'll still be tracking your movements, but be careful." 

(Leon)-"Will do." I respond.

I walk behind (Y/n) catching up to her in just a few steps, a breeze flew by making her hunch slightly and hugged herself for warmth. 

(Leon)- "Here." My hand reaches out brushing her cold arm, I remove my jacket holding it out. 

(Y/n)- "No-- Leon. I'm fine." She declines. I know she'll probably complain about it and not want it to be a big deal but I know she'll regret it. 

(Leon)- "It's cold down here." I inch the jacket a little closer. She grins and accepts my jacket. She slips one arm in then other, the jacket swallows her body seeing how large it was on her.

Its sort of adorable, in a way. 

A high pitch sound that almost sounds like a woman's screaming echo's into the tunnels stopping us on the rails, 

 (Y/n)- "Hear that?"

(Leon)- "Yeah." How are they still operating at a time like this? 

(Helena)- "Look out! Train!" She yells. The lights of the train flashing bright in our faces for a brief second. Helena clung to the wall as tight as she could. I shove her back against the wall with my arm extended out across her abdomen making sure she was pressed against the concreate wall. The train speed through the tunnel going what seems to be max speed. I'm assuming no ones on board. 

Once it passes I step away letting out my breath I didn't know I held. A few distant moans near by have spotted us. Helena fired shots bring two down. 

(Leon)- "Lets get out of here!" We sprint down the tracks with me in the lead. 

(Helena)- "Follow the tracks! There's got to be a stop somewhere!" Helena shouts.

I hear another high pitch scream. 

(Leon)-"Trains coming!" I clung to the closest wall to me and pressed my back against the concrete. A little worry came over me seeing (Y/n) hugging the wall with her eyes closed hoping all goes well. I peel away once the train zooms by, I look back seeing she was okay and a sigh of relief written on her face. 

(Helena)-"How are the trains still running?" She says angrily. 

(Leon)-"There was no one at the controls." 

Separate Ways (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [ Leon's POV] [Book#2]Where stories live. Discover now