Chapter 13: Her Cold Embrace

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Y/n's trek has finally begun and it's gone a lot wilder than he could've ever imagined. After grabbing a quick and hearty meal at a local ramen shop, he began his trek into the harsh cold mountains of the Japanese Alps. It began better than he ever imagined, catching a glimpse of the truly beautiful nature that the Alps had to offer, and even coming across a rare albino deer. However, it wasn't all roses for the protagonist, as he caught a glimpse of a woman so otherworldly beautiful that she captivated the male's eyes. However, Y/n would soon suffer a horrific accident, slipping due to the ice that had accumulated over the ground. Helpless, and unable to get help, our Y/n called out for help from the mysterious woman. But who is she? Is Y/n in even more danger now? Will she help him? Read to find out!


3rd person pov:

Nature. It is something that can be both beautiful and hypnotizing and it is easy to get lost in the allure of its magnificence. However, it can also be very dangerous if one isn't careful which is what our Y/n discovered the painful way. Slipping due to his rashness, and injuring himself painfully, it seemed certain that he would be doomed to an early grave in the middle of the cold Japanese Alps.

That was until she showed up.

You might ask, who is she? Well, it turns out that she is none other than the mythical Yokai known as the Yuki-onna. Known for their seemingly otherworldly beauty, the main prey for these Yokai are lost and unsuspecting travelers who dare to venture into the cold and unforgiving mountains of the Japanese Alps and either get injured or lose their way amidst the maze of endless snow.

That was exactly what happened to our Y/n.

However, the woman intended to keep her prey alive for longer, preferring to toy with her kill before ending his life. To do that, she began escorting him back to his homestead by retracing his footsteps. With the teen in her arms, the woman soon reached his cabin. Retrieving the key from him, the Yokai quickly made her way to his room and placed him on his bed, right in the direction of the hottest part of the fireplace.

"Hmph, humans are such pathetic creatures..." The Yokai commented as Y/n was pathetically shivering due to the cold like a fish out of water.

With that, the female Yokai intended to leave him here as she wasn't ready to descend back into the snow-filled forest. It was entertaining seeing him scramble as he was not meant to be in a place like this, he was so defenseless and so powerless. She was going to torment him for just a bit longer till she was ready to end his pitiful existence, but not yet. Turning around, she intended to leave him there to sleep, letting him survive for longer.

Or, so she thought.

Just as she was meant to exit his cabin and leave him there, the male stretched out his hand and in a swift move, gripped her hands tightly. The female Yokai was caught off guard, due to the fact that he was currently in an extremely deep slumber. What was even more shocking, was what he was about to do next. He was only human, and she was a Yokai, seismically more powerful than him but it was like she was powerless in this moment.

It was as if she could do nothing to stop him.

"Stay~" Y/n mumbled in his sleep as he pulled the Yokai into his bed, wrapping his arms around her there to keep her in his arms.

You see Y/n always had a fondness for the cold, ever since he was young Y/n loved to play in cold weather or make snow angels in the winter. He slept without blankets due to that, because he loved the way the cold weather would make him feel.

That is also why he preferred sleeping alone.

So when Yuki held him in her cold embrace, the male naturally began to ironically melt into her touch. It made him feel so safe, so comfortable and he desired more of her touch. Consequentially even in his sleep the male craved her embrace, wanting to feel her in his arms.

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