chapter 16

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Keemy walked away. Ben was left at the wimdow , shocked and sad to see alex ded. His expression remained the same, frozen in place.

"WHAT DO WE DO NOW??" ASKED sawyer and john.

Ben continued to be expressionless, until he got up, walked to his beloved bookshelf, pushed it away from the wall (reveling the secret room) and woked into da secret rum. The rest stayed put. Ben came back out, several minutes later, all covered in ASH AND DUST.

"come with me. We need to leave....NOW"

LIGHNTNING FLALSHED. They heard a weird noise that sounded much like a very loud car corn and a human groan mixed 2gether. Dey Looked outside to see a LONG, BILLOWING CLOUD OF BLACK SMOKE!!! The noise changed to something that resembled that sound you hear when you're going up a hill on a roller coaseter. "woaaaaaahhhhh" said ben. They all went outside when it went away!!

"okay everyone to go da jungl, I'll be there soon. I need to see my Alex one last time" sed ben. 

Wen tey all left, ben cautiously walked to alex, with sadness in his extremely blue eyes. He knelt down, and closed da alex's eyes. A single tear fell from Ben's precious face. Ben then kissed alex's little head. Ben staerted crying for the first time since we met him in chapter one (long time) I feel so many emotions for Ben, I want to hug ben <3


The whole crew waited 4 ben, and when he got there, Sawyer, miles, Claire, and da baby aaron went back to da beech. john and ben and hugo decided to go and visit dun dun dun JACOB.


Ben wakes up in a desert. He is in Tunisia. He finds Saeed, and is still ordering him around to kill random people. Ben is now in London, England. He visits Charles Widmore, and says he will kill his daughter, Penny, since his team killed Alex. Charles denied it, and Ben leaves. 

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