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Started: August 1st, 2023

Finished: TBD

Hello Loves!
First off I'd like to say thanks for clicking on 'Meet Me at Our Spot!" So before we start I'd like to clear up some things!

* No discrimination is allowed. Things like racist/homophobic/discriminatory/classicist remarks will NOT be tolerated. If you insist on commenting hateful/ignorant things you'll be blocked!
*Sexual Content: Now about things like smut. At the start of the story, the Mc and love interest are 12. There will be smut. Just later on. When the time does come I will put a warning at the start of every chapter that includes smut or mature content! The sexual content will include brief things however I'm unsure of what to list seeing as I don't know how I'll write said smut until I write it... If that makes sense?
As stated above this is a mature/ explicit story If you are underage and continue reading that is
your responsibility.
* Mature language and content. This is a 'slow-burn' as it's 'years' of build-up compressed into chapters with loads of time skips so take my labeling of it being slow lightly. However, if you don't like 'angst', waiting, and in my opinion some uncalled-for plot twists maybe you want to click out because for one I don't recommend you skip chapters to get to the 'good stuff', and two there will be plot twists that have to build up in filler chapters that you may want to skip but do whatever you want I can't control how you read lmao.
* As for the appearances of the main character and my OCs. If you would like to invasion them differently feel free! You can of course change the eye colors, skin tones, hair colors, hair types, body types, etc! I've only given them all face claims because it helps me with my writing process!
* Topics of VIOLENCE, GENERATIONAL TRAUMA, UNDERAGE DRINKING, DRUG USAGE, and brief UNDERAGE SEX will be mentioned. There may not always be a warning for each of the chapters that include these topics but anything related to self-inflicted or outer acts of violence will be provided a semi-detailed warning!
* This will follow the main plot but it's not the center of the story as the MC barely even knows Harry Potter beyond the media and isn't a Hogwarts student. I will be making some changes to better my storyline. This is set in the 90s like the books however most music and 'slang' will be more modern! Also, I'm not British nor am I French. I'm a Brazilian who lives in America so any British slang is from google or comes from my British friends ( who I have strangely acquired 💀) and any French translations are google translated.
* Toxic Parental relationships and Mental health struggles are big points in this story. They are the main reasons as to why the main character acts the way she acts. If you are uncomfortable with topics like mommy/daddy issues, sibling loss, slight abuse - if there even is such a thing-, and self-deprivation/ harm then this probably isn't the Fic for you although these points don't necessarily drive the story they are going to be touched on a lot.
* Now I'd like to be a check-in! If you need to stop reading because you don't feel comfortable with any of the topics that's fine! I'm not going to be graphic because I also don't feel comfortable with that! However, I will be briefly going over tough topics ( but I feel it'll be somewhat dulled down) and want everyone reading to be aware of that!
* I love it when people comment out-of-pocket stuff lmao. Ik I said to not drag the characters but I'm 100% ok with you guys taking the piss out of them when it's needed. characters. So please don't hold back - but of course, remain respectful-!

Here's a little reminder to comment and vote if you like the story 🫶!
*Be forewarned of the spaciness in the chapters after the first few. This is a summer romance. They meet one another over the summer and only see each other during it. With that said there are of course months in between. This is a story that targets girlhood as well so it'll be glimpses into her life when she's away from Fred. They are quick filler chapters that scatter events but I promise it won't be confusing :) All things are relevant in some way. They showcase the people she meets and the things she does!
I'm certain there are gonna be a shit ton of typos. Call me out. Please ‼️ I'll pop in and fix it.
Anything I miss and isn't pointed out to me will be fixed when I'm done with the entire fic and I edit the entire of it < 3!*
*PSA Most of the dialogue is meant to be in French as the MC finds herself surrounded by French speakers 24/7... 7 days a week in most of the filler chapters. As I've stated your girl ain't French 💀 Any dialogue that's in italics is said in French yet written in English!
* Lastly, I'd just like to let you know this is merely my second fic. The first ( A Cedric Diggory x Oc story you should check out 😉 ) is a WIP. If you ever want to give constructive criticism I'm all ears! I want to make this story the best it can be!
I'm beyond excited to be writing this and can't wait for you guys to read it! I hope you guys love the characters and the storyline as much as I do! Enjoy 💕

Meet Me at Our Spot? - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now