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"Vanessa- I-" He stepped forwards only to be cut off by the woman infront of him.

"ENOUGH. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU." Her voice almost sounded like a snarl... or even a monstrous roar. The ends of her hair split, fingernails turning into inky black claws.

He stumbled back, bouquet of flowers falling from his hand. It bounced a little, beautiful, fragile flowers becoming crushed, bruised and crumpled. He fell onto the floor, crawling backwards. The woman advanced towards him, beautiful visage, gem green dress, gold blonde hair, all twisting into a demon of darkness, eyes turning red and teeth extending into fangs.

He tried to run.

"Lock him away where his traitorous soul will never see the light again." The beast snarled, pointing a blackened claw at him.

Guards grabbed his arms, dragging him backwards. He yelled, crying out, hoping it would just end. They dragged him away, shackling him to the dungeon wall.

A few minutes passed.

He finaly processed it. The love of his life had just locked him in a dungeon over him buying flowers, and her thinking he was cheating. It was his fault.

A few hours passed.

He gave up hope on her changing her mind, realising she was now... a monster. His heart fell into a pit. He felt... exceedingly empty.

A few days passed.

He began to become bitter, guilt ate away at his mind. He stopped trying to figure out ways to escape. He let himself wither away.

Weeks passed.

His body became weaker and weaker. His eyes closed one day for what he thought would be the last time. He took it gratefully, slipping into the void.

Years passed.

He opened his eyes, finding himself able to simply... walk away. He looked down. Ghostly, silver shackles wrapped his wrists. His skin was a dark black-purple and covered in velvety fur He reached his hand up to his neck, digging through his fur collar to wrap his hand around a cold neck-cuff. He drew his hand away, looking behind him fearfully, only to see his own decaying corpse. He nearly screamed, but thought better of it.

He could already feel the ghostly form changing, chains vanishing into his skin, fur collar sticking to his neck and becoming an inky mane. He floated through the bars, now thin enough to slip through them. He slipped through the manor, finding it to be abandoned. Vanessa had probably fled to her other manor not far away, since this one was his since his name was on the deed. His name- what- was it?

He couldn't remember.

He shrugged it off as best he could, floating to his room. His fears were confirmed there... a ghostly figure stared back at him in his mirror. Yellow eyes and a fanged mouth, a mane of fur, clawed fingers and a velvety, almost serpentine body.

He'd become a monster too.

He grew angry, slashing and tearing at the walls, great clawmarks raking over the wallpaper. He was about to break the mirror when-


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