Chapter 4

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As dawn approaches, Wei Ying knows he must return to Hell; he cannot harm Lan Zhan and their unborn child. Lan Zhan doesn't want to let him go, but Wei Ying tries to reason with him.  

"My love, what better way to keep our child safe than right under the very nose of the King? I promise I will keep myself and our child safe. I will come back to you, this I swear."

With a heavy heart, he lets his beloved go, but not before getting a promise from Wen Qing that she will bring Wei Ying back at the time of their child's birth. He will not allow him to do this without him being at his side to help and comfort him during the birthing process.

Wen Qing and her brother help Wei Ying throughout the pregnancy. Over the next several months, Wei Ying discovered that the child was powerful and could shield his presence. He is also a gateway for his parents, who can communicate through the child. It helps significantly to ease the separation they must endure to keep everyone safe.

He still attends the court of the King so as not to arouse suspicion, and since he always wears black, he can hide his pregnancy. Plus, with the child's shield, they are safe but constantly on alert should they be exposed.

The time has come, and Wei Ying is ready to give birth. He is trying hard not to cry out in pain. He wants, no, he needs Lan Zhan's arms around him to help ease his pain and fear. Again Wen Qing sedated the King, and instructions were left for the King not to be disturbed.

Wen Qing and her brother escort Wei Ying to Lan Zhan's waiting arms. Lan Zhan supports Wei Ying's body against his chest while murmuring words of encouragement to his beloved. He wipes Wei Ying's sweat off his face and peppers him with kisses to distract him. When Wei Ying thinks he cannot handle a moment more, their son comes into the world. He is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen and is theirs to love and cherish. Tears of joy are streaming down their faces.

As the baby cries and is welcomed into the world, Heaven and Hell are torn asunder. They quake with the violent storms that sweep across the two worlds. As the prophecy foretold, It is the beginning of the end of times. The sun has turned to darkness, and the moon is the color of blood.

A bright light shines upon them, it is so bright it blinds them all. Then a being emerges from the light. He is the Supreme being most high. 

He touches the child's forehead and gives his blessing to the child. He looks to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. "No longer will Heaven and Hell be separate but will become one world as it was in the beginning, so shall it be once more."  Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, I appoint you as warrior kings to rule this new world. You or any of the other angels will no longer live separately but together as you were meant to be. Together with your child, rule this world well and do not repeat past mistakes."

With another flash of blinding light, the Supreme being was gone. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were speechless at first, then began laughing and smiling for the first time without fear of separation. With eyes sparkling with unshed tears, Wei Ying smiles at his newborn son. "Did you hear that, baby? You are a prince, and your parents are Kings. He smothers the infant in kisses and finally hands him to Lan Zhan.  

"My love, I'm so tired and sleepy. Do you mind if I sleep first before we conquer the world?

Lan Zhan chuckles as he holds his son in his arms and his love in his lapHe kisses the top of Wei Ying's head and kisses the tiny fists of his infant son, "Perhaps we should take a nap as well, my son; conquering the world is tiring work."

So the dawning of a new age has begun. Love is a powerful emotion, strong enough to move mountains if need be.  Love is more powerful than hate.  Let's try and love more and hate less. Let's make the world a better place to live in.

This is for my granddaughter Lyla. She wanted me to write a story about the blood moon, angels, and Wei Ying and Lan Zhan for you all. I hope you enjoyed it.

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