A Recall

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"WAIT UP!" shouted David. "Then keep up. Just a few more months your gonna be run worse than this" Noah shouted running into a tree. "Guess that makes me a few steps ahead" Issac said with sarcasm.

David,Issac and Noah. Soon to be trained and drafted into the army together,yet sooner or later, they were going to be apart of Project Freelancer.David would get to be Agent Washington; Issac becoming Agent New York and Noah being Agent North Dakota. But this story was before Project Freelancer.This was a story that the three would love to remember.

"How long is this damn hike! Issac you said it was a 20 minutes hike.ITS BEEN OVER AN HOUR!" David yelled. "Im with Dav with this one Issac its almost sun down and were lost. Two options: We go back or we go up this hill to see where we are" Noah pointed out. "Id say we continue,so hill it is" Issac said. "At least i can rest at the top!" shouted David.

They endured 10 minutes of agonizing pain from bush thorns and bugs attacking them but surely the view was in sight but they weren't expecting this.

"IM RUNNING AHEAD!" shouted David. "NOT A CHANCE!" both Issac and Noah shouted.

They made it to the top,exhausted beyond belief and started arguing.

"I MADE IT FIRST!" David said with authority. "Definitely not but i would" Issac retorted. "I have no come back but i made it last so you decide" Noah stated.

"All of you are idiots and i made here faster."

All of the boys swiveled their heads to meet this stranger.

"Yeah? And who let you decide"

Issac went to confront this stranger.

"I did"

"And you are?" Issac retorted


"And you or actually all of you since your the same" Carolyn said "I, am Issac" "The one with blonde hair and nearly dying is David and the other blondie not dying is Noah" "You all make such an amazing team" Carolyn said sarcastically. "Rather be with them than you Grandma" Issac retorted "Lets go meet your so-called team" "David" going for a handshake" "Blondie 1,nice to meet you." "And Noah, better blondie thanks very much" "Wow better. Blondie 2"

"And thats all of us,anything to say now Carolyn-" Issac said

Carolyn quickly knocked down Issac.
"Yes actually. Who's first?"

The boys looked at each other and knew what Carolyn meant. So they got into their positions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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