A fresh start

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{Above: Clara}

I walked into first period, clenching onto my history books so tight that my fingers turned white. I revised my given phrase in my head. 'Don't be noticed and you'll survive.' Although it doesn't sound like very helpful advice, it was... at least to me it was.
"Alright everyone all attention towards our new student!" I can tell you one thing for sure, Miss Joy didn't seem so joyful... At all. Especially for a first impression!
"Well aren't you going to introduce your self?" My face turned bright red as I looked up for the first time. "Um... I'm Clara" I tucked my hair behind my ear as it made me feel more confident. I took a seat in the third row. That was when I saw him, smiling at me. His hair was messy, like he had just woken up and my heart raced. "I like your accent, it's cute." He whispered towards me. "Mr Dallas, if you had something to say, why don't you share it with the class?" "Um, I'm fine Miss J, thankyou." The handsome boy sarcastically replied. "Cameron, I wasn't asking you if you wanted to do it, I was telling you to do it!" Woah, Miss Joy really needed the calm down. "Ah, well... I was just telling Cara here, that I thought her accent, um, sounded, uh, cute." I blushed and hang my head down so no-one would notice me. Cameron sat back down and I turned to him, "It's Clara not Cara." I mumbled. "Oh, sorry Casey... Just kidding its Clara." He winked at me and I forced myself not to smile as I remembered why I was here; to stop the past from repeating.
The bell rang so I gathered my books and head to my locker where Cameron was waiting...

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