The Neighbours

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ABOVE: Outfit - Hat
I ran a nice warm bath, put in a bath bomb and jumped in. Over my music blasting, I heard my phone buzz. I ignored it and continued washing my hair.
After about one whole hour in the bath, I got out and changed into an outfit. Lately in California it hasn't been getting dark until around 8, so I didn't have to worry about getting cold. I put on a dress and some black boots. Back in the bathroom, I blow dried my hair and slightly curled it. I removed all my make up even though there wasn't much anyways. The teens support line back in Australia were super generous, so for my 16th birthday they gave me a $2000 makeup voucher! I spent nearly all my money on MAC, so it's really the only makeup I've used for ages. I put on foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow from my autumn pallet, eyeliner, mascara and a tinted lip balm. I walked downstairs for mums, approval. "You look stunning honey. Now, will you please help me with the dinner, I don't think I'll finish by myself in time!" I laughed "Mum, the guests are coming at 6:30, it's only 2:45! We have ALL the time in the world." Mum rolled her eyes. "3 hours and 45 minutes is NOWHERE near enough time to cook a 3 course meal." I blankly stared at her. "Aaallllrrriiiggghhhttt." I shook my head and walked into the kitchen.
After I had cooked the dinner, I had 30 minutes left until the guests started arriving. I remember the text I received when I was in the bath so u went to check it.
Cameron🙊: Hey, why'd you leave early? Hope your not sick. 😘
Cameron🙊: SHIT NO. Sorry, I was meant to text 😕 instead.
Me: You sure about that😑
Cameron🙊: Yea???
I smirked.
Me: Yeah, I was feeling a tad under the weather.
Cameron🙊: Well sorry to hear that
Me: I'm sick, not dying. Chill😂😂
Cameron🙊: Whatever. gtg.
Me: Cya
Me: 😘
Cameron🙊: Now don't you start..
I laughed and turned my phone off. I was starting to like Cameron.
••30 Mins Later••
I raced downstairs like a little kid as the doorbell ran. I opened to door to see 7 people, all smiling. They filed in as I had my eyes fixed on one particular person... Amity. I waved at her as my mum approached up. "Welcome to the Clemming's household. I'm Grace, this is my daughter Clara," (A/N have I mentioned her last name before and completely changed it bc idk?" I smiled at the group "and, ugh, wait a second..." She walked down the hallway "TOM GET YOURSELF HERE" mum walked back "sorry... Now where was I? Oh yes!" She said as dad walked in. "This is my husband Tom." Dad also smiled at the guests. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." He chimed. "Please, do come in." The first 3 people walked in. "Why it's a pleasure to meet you too! I'm Leah, this is Steve and this is our little baby, Will." Will was
a-dor-a-ble. Obviously mum was thinking the same thing. "Aww, he's adorable. How old is he?" Mum asked. "1 month tomorrow!" Will gurgled. The next 4 of our neighbours walked in. "Thankyou for having us, I'm Marcus, this is my wife Jenna and our two kids Mackenzie whose 4 and Amity whose 16." Amity and I smiled at each other. "Do you two know each other?" Jenna looked at us. "Oh, yeah mum. Clara's in my English and psych class." Jenna clapped her hands. "Great, you two will get along super well." Mum gave me 'the look' to do something with Amity. "Do you want to come into my room." I asked. "Ugh, sure" she replied. I led her upstairs, around the corner and into my room. "Woah, this is so cool." That was true. I loved my room. "Thanks, actually, thank my parents. This was their early birthday present to me." When you walk into my room the first thing you see is my bed. I've got a raw wood bed frame and a grey donna cover (A/N lols how do you spell doona? I've heard that it's actually a duvet???) I have white and peach pillows I have really pale grey walls as well. On the wall above the head of my bed I have a light box in the shape of a C for Clara. I have a white metal stool as a bedside table on the right side of my bed and a raw wood shelf on the other said because it came with my bed frame. On the right wall of my room I have two doors, one leads to my ensuite and the other leads to my wardrobe. On the wall that connects that one to the main door I have a sofa and on the other I have my desk, which is pretty empty at the moment and in the last wall I have a large window with drapes and block out blinds. It's actually a window seat, so despite having my desk, I assume that I'll do most of my homework beside the window as it overlooks they bay!
I turned back to Amity who had sat down on my bed. "So... You're from Australia. What's it like there?" I stopped. I hadn't really thought of Australia for a while. "Oh, it's beautiful... Beautiful beaches, beautiful people, beautiful weather... Well apart from that time we traveled to Melbourne!" I laughed and shook my head. "I've always wanted to go to Australia. Did you...NO... did you have a pet-" I cut her off "No I did not have a pet kangaroo! You'd be surprised but not many people do. Well, only the lunatics did. Actually now that I think of THAT... Yeah maybe a few of us had pet kangaroos." We both laughed and flopped down on my bed. It went silent, but Amity broke it. "Hey Clara" I looked at Amity. She had dirty, wavy blonde hair that went down to her collarbones. Her face had been sprayed with pale brown freckles as if they came from a crashing wave. She only had very light makeup on her golden skin. She was wearing a striped white and navy blue dress, a black hat and black Birkenstocks. I liked Amity. I had a good feeling about her. "Yeah" I finally spoke. "Why did you move to California? I mean, you don't have to tell me, but it's just strange, how you sound so inlove with Oz, but left." I looked back at the ceiling and took a deep breath in. I trusted Amity. "I was born on the 28th of July in 1998 in Byron Bay, in-between Sydney and Brisbane. I lived in a small shack on the beach with my two parents. We weren't a wealthy family, but I loved my life. I was so carefree. My mum sold lemonade and deserts on the street for a living. My dad owned his own car business. I was homeschooled, but spent most of my time running around as my parents were always working, trying to make some money. I grew up happy and loved but lonely. By the time I was 12 my life had taken a turn. My dad was offered a job at Toyota and my family had moved into a much bigger house. My mum owned a cafe and I attended a proper school. Now I was no longer lonely, I was still loved, but I wasn't happy. I no longer could spend my day in dads car shop or on the sidewalk selling food and drinks with mum. I sat in a classroom all day. Because I was never properly educated as a kid I stared at a whiteboard where the letters and numbers jumped out at me because I didn't understand them. I grew angry at my parents, I didn't care for the money we had, I just wanted to be with them. I saw a psychologist, a therapist. I even attempted to take my life. When I was 14 my parents decided I needed to start over again. We moved to Sydney, but little did they know this didn't solve the problem. All I wanted was to be back at Byron Bay, living in my small house with my small family running around like I was carefree. I wanted to get revenge on my mum and dad, so I began to party. All the time. I drank, smoke and did drugs. I was signed up to a help line multiple times. I thought that no-one loved me, but little did I realise how much my parents did. They could of left me to die, but instead they payed a total of $12,000 for me to have my stomach pumped 8 times as a result of over drinking. I was sent to juvenile detention twice. After having my stomach pumped for the 8th time, I was diagnosed with anorexia. I had become so skinny. My parents thought I would die, because the best way to cure anorexia was to eat more and exercise less, but having my stomach pumped made me weak, so I had to build mussel and be fed through a tube. I still managed to throw all my food up again. I spent a year in rehab, I eventually gained 50 kilos and started to eat again. My family still had no idea what to do though. They didn't want me to get sick again. 2 weeks after I got out of rehab, my dad got a promotion to come and work here in California, but this time I wanted to move. So we arrived here 7 weeks ago and I'm the happiest I've been for a very long time." There was a lingering silence followed by a sniffling noise. "I-I-m-m s-so s-s-sorr-y. You didn't really have to tell me if you didn't want to. " I hugged Amity. "Don't worry, I trust you." I sat up and she followed. "Well!" She sounded cheered up now. "Your secret's safe with me!" I pulled out my phone. "Here are some photos of Australia." I showed her photos of Byron bay and my little shack. I showed her photos of the markets. The I showed her photos of Sydney. I showed her photos of me in hospital and me climbing the Sydney harbour bridge like a tourist in my on city! I showed her photos of Zoo's and my old friends, Rose and Jessie. "Australia looks amazing!" She said. I smiled as my phone buzzed, a message from came came up at the top of my screen.
Cameron🙊: Wyd?
Amity looked at me and I rolled my eyes (A/N I say rolled my eyes a lot sorry) "Thoughts?" I asked. "Cameron's a really nice guy to some people, but be careful, he has a tendency to you know, take and leave AND all the other girls go crazy over him. So don't go for him if you're not looking for enemies." I nodded my head and replied.
Me: Talk later
I looked at Amity "we should probably head downstairs." I stood up and she followed. We sat down and ate so fast, I thought I would be sick.
When everyone had left my parents made me sit down at the sofa. "Clara, we have some news for you." Mum looked up at me. "Dad has been offered a job over in Florida." I was about to jump in. "B-b-b-buttttt... We don't want to move again, so we told them no. Since they really your dad to take the job, they said we should head over there for 4 days to try and convince us to move there. Which we WON'T. But there are only two tickets to fly and only a hotel room for 2 has been booked so..." Mum was giving me puppy dog eyes. "Sure, you guys can go, along as I get the car for the next month."To be honest I didn't care if they went without me. I didn't even want to go. "Ok now sweetie are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure... YOU WONT PARTY!" I sighed. "Mum, dad! I'll be fine. Trust me." Mum and dad hugged each other. "Ok sweetie we leave tomorrow lunchtime!" The both cried and kissed my in each cheek. I had planned with Amity to actually go to her house for the night so I quickly packed for that, and removed my makeup. I said goodbye to my parents and left.
Amy and I sat in our beds all night talking about the weirdest stuff and eventually drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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