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Steve frantically pulls out and pulls his sweats up as he asks quietly "Baby should I hide?" "Uhm yeah I'm the closet" she replies quick as she pulls her shirt on and shorts as she pretends to watch T.V. as her dad walks in.she looks up at him he's sleepy and has poor vision when he's tired so couldn't really see her well "hey you okay I thought I heard some noise in here" he says "yeah I just had a stomach ache but I drank water and I'm better now."
"Okay dear I'll be going back to sleep now see you in the morning." " see you dad." He leaves the room going back to his which was three rooms down as he turns the lights off and closes his door. Steve walks out the closet sighing of relief as he sits on the edge of the bed.She pulls him back holding him tight smothering him in kisses he laughs softly "come on I really want to continue with you" she says stroking his hair getting undressed."fine,fine" he pulls his sweats completely off as she wraps her legs around his was his sticks it inside her about half way,his hand covering her mouth while the other holds her waist. He strokes in and out at a medium pace causing her to shake , her hands wander off to his chest and rub his abs.

"Oh you feel so baby" he sticks it all the way in her as he covers her mouth "Mmm~you feel so good baby."He smiles kissing her deeply her eyes glossy as she takes deep breaths , he continues at a slower pace this time she closes her eyes as Steve talks her through it. "Hey~ baby look at me." "Mmm~i..I can't it's so big." "Hey hey it's okay love.It's your first time I get it , just look at me." Her eyes still glossy slowly opens as her slightly blurred vision focuses on her boyfriend his eyes slightly low but looking deep into hers."Don't look away my love focus on my eyes." Her eyes stay on him as she bites her lip blushing now. He smiles warmly "see I told you." "I..it feel really good" he laughs his hands gripping her hips thrusting deeper into her.He watches her eyes roll back as her body shakes.

"I..I think I'm close" she says moaning softly as he thrusts deeper kissing her neck his fingers rub her clit as her face flushes with red her eyes more glossy,breath heavier,and body shivering.Steve's pace increases his thrust quick the sound of they're body's colliding over and over again as his dick throbbed inside her "ahh me to baby,cum for me." Her legs shake closing a bit "open those legs baby~" her legs shake closing more.
"Open them baby." Her legs open a little "Wider~" his voice raspy and demanding as her legs open and come apart from each other his body on hers now they are chest to chest him thrusting deeper as they both moan loudly his thrusts became rapid his eyes close ,he moans loudly along with her quivering , he pulls out and closes her legs thrusting one final time between her thighs cumming in her stomach. "Fuck baby" she moans cumming also his head rests in her chest out of breath panting his heartbeat quick with hers. She runs her fingers through his braids "Thank you so much~ for being my first tie, and making tonight special." She says quietly. "Anytime baby I'm so glad you enjoyed it." She says his eyes closed ,he softly kisses her nipples.

"Well baby,I gotta go now, my parents will notice I'm gone and if your parents see me they won't like the fact that I was here over night." Steve says in a low voice "No baby please come on I haven't seen you in weeks." "I know Mami but I have to go for both of our sake." "Okay but when will you be back?" "I..I'm not sure maybe next week." He says in a sad tone standing up getting dressed. "But baby I promise next time I see you I'll make it worth the wait,I'll bring all your favorite things." He says kissing her as she pouts."Hey... I love you okay I'll be back soon I promise." She kisses him back deeply sitting on the edge of the bed as he walks over and grabs his bags. "I love you too...bye Steve" "bye bye baby" he kisses her one more time before climbing out the window jumping off the small balcony literally a 1 foot jump. He then runs off back to his house as she closes the window and lays in bed thinking about him but to take her mind off of it eventually falls asleep.

The next morning:

She wakes up the next morning still naked from last night.She gets some clean clothes out as she runs to the bathroom and takes a nice warm shower.A few minutes later she gets dressed and starts her day by brushing her teeth, washing her face and eating breakfast.She sits down in her room and lays on her bed sighing thinking of Steve. "I miss him so much but he has to go back to his family across town for about a week." She thinks to herself as she decides to text him.

Yn:Hey baby 💕
Steve:Hey Mami❤️
Steve:Just chillin on my game and you?
Yn:lying in bed missing you 😔
Steve:Aww baby I'll be back soon.
Yn:you better be
Steve:Trust me I will
Yn:Alright then I gotta go to class so I'll ttyl❤️
Steve:Alright babe ttyl ❤️

She stops messaging Steve as she gets her bag ready for school as she walks out the door and heads to her high school.As she walks in and takes her classes we're about halfway through the day,she's doing good and passing all her classes,she talks to all her friends about they're summer plans as the bell rings for the last class.As she sits in class all she can think about is Steve, she begins sketching in her sketch book some drawings for him in his new music video ,some with him shirtless, some with him and her together she just loved drawing Steve in many different ways,Not to be creepy but to express all the feelings there are in the world.

She uses some books to put on her desk as a cover then slowly pulls out her phone and sends Steve the sketches. "Those are so amazing Mami" he messages back quickly "Thanks babe" "No problem but I think your teachers walking toward you in each photo 😂" he sends back as she quickly shoves the phone in the desk and the sketchbook writing in her notes.Teacher:You alright Yn? Yn:yeah I'm alright. She says the teacher walking away as Yn takes a nap for the rest of the class period.


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