First Day, First Show

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"All right guys! Gather up!" Chan instructed to his members and everyone huddled in a small group hug. They were all excited for their most recent comeback and had been invited to a grand event where they would hold a special performance.

"Is everyone ready?" The leader asked and everyone yelled out a loud yes in return. The staff sighed, they were done with their childish behavior but found it cute and amusing at the same time. It was adorable seeing them so hyped up even though they were all evidently tired. Try practiced for hours, perfecting every move so that they won't mess up.

“We need to make this comeback as powerful as our previous ones, we don't want to let STAYs down now, do we?” Chan said and everyone nodded with full enthusiasm, they were all extremely excited. Not only because of the comeback but the fact they were invited to an actual circus for their first show. It was a good set-up, I mean their most recent song was called 'circus'.

The staff alerted the boys that it was time to leave and they all got in, dividing into two groups to fit into the cars. Minho, Jisung, Changbin and Felix went in the first car while Hyunjin, Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin snuggled in the second car. While the second car was peaceful and quiet, the car in front of them was full of chaos.

“Grr, WOLFGANG!” Jisung growled along with the song, his energy through the roof. The rest giggled at his behaviour and joined in, singing and rapping at the top of voices. They were having the time of their lives.

“We've arrived!” Felix said excitedly, exiting the car as soon as it hit the brakes. Wrong move. The entire place was filled with fans and soon as he got out of the vehicle, he was flashed with hundreds of cameras his way. He was surprised but managed to collect himself just in time. He smiled widely towards the cameras, his smile brighter than all the flashes combined.

Jisung felt a little overwhelmed when he noticed the crowd and began to play with his hands nervously. Noticing this, Minho held the latter's hand gently, tightening his grip to remind the younger he was there for him. Jisung loosened up and gave off a genuine smile to the older and nodded softly. He always felt at home around Minho and the same could be said for the latter. He loved being with the younger.  He could be his actual self that was crazy and weird, knowing he won't be judged for it, rather the younger loved his randomness.

Getting out of the car, the rest if the members formed a line at Chan's order and bowed to their fans, doing heart poses for the photos while also goofing around, knowing how much the fans loved it.

The fans were in love with the circus themed outfits the group was wearing. Each one of them looked stunning, handsome and cute. (The pic above are their outfits.)

A small horn sounded in the arena and the crowd cleared away, rushing inside to grab themselves the perfect seats to enjoy the performance. All eight of the members were guided to the back of the tent by their escorts and they decided to stretch out their muscles and do some vocal and body warm ups.

“Changbin, make sure your voice doesn't crack when you start to rap.” Chan said teasingly and the younger only huffed in response. He cleared his throat and attempted his rap to prove Chan wrong only for his voice to crack towards the end, causing the eldest to break down into a huge fit of laughter while the younger if the duo hid his face behind his hands in embarrassment.

I hope this doesn't happen in stage. Changbin thought, nervousness kicking into his system and before it could intensify, the leader patted his back, reassuring him that he will be there in case the younger did mess up. The latter relaxed and continued his warm up session.

“GUYS LOOK AT THAT!” Jisung squealed as he pointed towards one the performers. They were swinging up high in the air with no safety belts in anything and jumping about here and there like it was a walk in the park. Minho felt shivers run down his spine whenever the performers would let go of the bars and fall freely to catch onto the next one.

Too overwhelming. He thought and quietly sat down on one of the chairs present there. He was petrified of heights and just seeing these performers made him super anxious. He didn't want the rest to catch onto his discomfort so he in order to calm himself down, he grabbed a water bottle and downed the entire bottle in one go. Letting out a huge sigh, he wiped off the excess water from his chin and took in a deep breath, feeling a lot calmer than before.

Everyone was in awe as they kept watching the marvelous stunts, almost yelling out in excitement when the performers landed perfectly. They clapped as silently as they could but in his state of pure bliss, Seungmin clapped his hands louder than he intended to, grabbing the attention of the some of the spectators who glanced in his direction and sent him a small smile. Everyone immediately fell back, groaning as they landed in top of each other.

“Seungmin!” They all whined in unison and Seungmin couldn't help but give off a goofy smile while Minho let out a hearty chuckle at the scene. He was glad he distanced himself otherwise he would be a part of this mess.

Everyone got up and dusted off the dirt on them. Jeongin ran up to Seungmin and pulled him in a headlock, his slightly taller build giving him the advantage. Seungmin chuckled heartily as he tried to free himself from Jeongin's iron grip.

“Okay okay! I'm sorry! Now let me go!!” He said in between his chuckles and Jeongin let him go,  not before tickling him's and running off.

They kept goofing around till they a staff member came up to them, giving them a heads-up that they are next. A few other staff members came in and gave the members a last touch up, before they left to put the stuff away.

“Welcome the Leaders of the 4th Generation of K-pop, STRAY KIDS!” The announcer said and the lights were dimmed and the curtains fell. As the beat of the song started, the curtains rose slowly, revealing the silhouettes of the members and bright spotlight highlighted Changbin as he began his part, beaming with full confidence and charisma.

The rest of the performance went as smoothly as it had started, and everyone enjoyed the it, from the audience to the members. Once the song was over, the members formed a single line and bowed to the spectators and the everyone gave a standing ovation.

“As usual, this group never fails to amaze us with their fire songs. Am I right guys?” The host asked and the aaudience started screaming, agreeing wholeheartedly with the host. Seeing this amount of excitement almost brought Chan to tears, he felt as if those years of suffering as a trainee and the struggle after debuting was worth it. He swallowed back his tears and bowed again, the rest of the members following his lead. They left stage while still waving bye to their fans as they changed out of their outfits into a bit more casual attire. Sure they came here to release their new song but it won't hurt have some fun here, right?

Little did they know, this trip was about to take a huge turn which would scar them forever.

This is the first chapter! I apologize for the horrible attempts of making a comedic scene.

Stay tuned for the next chapter and I hope you liked this one.

Do comment your thoughts and vote!

Over and Out (⌒o⌒)

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