Heading home or not?

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The circus was more like a carnival ground. Packed with food, game and accessory stalls, this place covered a large area of a gigantic field. It was full of all different kinds of stuff and a person could take an entire day yet still won't be able to cover all the stalls. From cute shooting games to an extremely terrifying haunted house, this was an ideal way to relax after such hard work.

"That was so fun!" Seungmin exclaimed as the ground exited the haunted house section. Felix and Jisung couldn't disagree more with the puppy like male as they were extremely scared of such things. Poor Jisung was literally shaking when he entered the haunted house, dragged inside against his will by Seungmin himself. He was extremely cautious and his footsteps were so light they couldn't be heard at all.

Minho, who had tagged along after Jisung asked him to (he was bribed with food), kept walking ahead of the squirrel like male right next to Seungmin, looking behind every now and then to make the younger was alright. A mannequin was dropped right in front of Jisung and the poor boy almost fell flat on his back if not for Minho's fast reflexes. Catching the younger by the waist in his arms, Minho looked extremely tensed, afraid the younger might break into a panic attack.

Jisung was actually close to panicking, not because of the mannequin but thanks to the man standing in front him who was currently holding him in his arms. The grip was so gentle yet strong that Jisung almost forgot he was scared at the moment.

"You okay Sungie?" Minho asked softly as he helped the younger stable himself on his feet. Jisung only nodded timidly, shaking slightly from the jumpscare. Minho intertwined his hand with Jisung, the action helping the younger to calm down.

Felix found himself in a similar situation, screaming at every jumpscare. He was so cautious of his surroundings that when Changbin laid a hand on his shoulder, he landed a strong punch right on the older's nose.

"Changbin Hyung! I'M SO SORRY!" Felix apologized frantically as Changbin crouched down on the ground, groaning in pain. Felix was worried the older might get a nosebleed and felt extremely bad for hitting him like that.

"Calm down Lixie, I'm fine. But I have to say, that was one heck of a punch." Changbin chuckled as he stood up, dusting his hands before he pulled Felix in a hug. The younger melted into the hug and smiled warmly st the comforting presence of the older. Changbin took Felix's hand and interlocked their hands. Another mannequin fell from the ceiling and Felix clung onto Changbin, shivering from fear.

"The poor thing looks like he was hit with a shoe in the face. Look Lixie!" Changbin chuckled as peeled Felix from him, trying to make the situation a bit less scarier for the younger. Felix reluctantly looked up to see the mannequin's face covered with dirt and paint which were supposed to represent bruises. He could see why Changbin said what he said and let out a small giggle. He felt calmer and held the older's hand tightly as they approached the end of the haunted house.

"Where should we go next?" Minho asked, hands still locked with Jisung's. He kept swinging their hands like a happy child while Jisung only smiled at the wide smile the older had on his face. Minho's happiness was contagious and Jisung could feel himself loosening up.

"Guys, come on, we have to go now!" Chan said tiredly, he was beginning to get anxious as the sun was setting down and the sky burst into a colorful combination of faded yellow, bright orange with a splash of red. It looked beautiful and distracted him for a while and Seungmin took this opportunity to grab onto Jeongin's hand and pull him into the nearest mirror maze.

Chan turned around to see everyone there except for the two youngest members. He sighed. These kids are impossible to deal with.

They waited for more than twenty minutes for the duo to return and when they finally did, Chan noticed a small bump on Jeongin's head with the younger rubbing on it, a painful expression on his face.

"What happened Innie?" Chan asked and Jeongin only punted while Seungmin burst out laughing loud.

"When we entered the mirror maze, he told me he wanted to race to see who would find the exit first. I agreed. He was running aimlessly and was lucky for most of the part till towards the end-" He started laughing again, earning a death glare from the youngest of the group.

"What? What happened in the end?" Chan asked, he was confused yet he couldn't help but crack a small a smile seeing Seungmin laughing like this.

"-he ran straight into a mirror, full speed at that." Seungmin laughed again, clutching his stomach as tears built up in his eyes. The image of Jeongin running straight into the mirror and falling in his butt was too funny for him. Although the others felt bad for Jeongin, they couldn't help but giggle along with the puppy like male. Jeongin only his face in Chan's chest who happened to be giggling as well.

"Okay fine! Shall we go home now? I'm tired." Jeongin whined and everyone cooed at his cuteness.

"Yeah sure Innie, but can we eat something first? I'm starving!" Jisung said and Minho agreed, his stomach growled as if proving the younger's point. The rest once again broke into a fit if giggles before walking up to the ttaebokki stall and order their food.

"That was delicious!" Felix exclaimed as he threw his disposable plate after finishing his food. Everyone was also done eating and Seungmin was the last one remaining, enjoying every bite and eating a little too slowly. After he was done, everyone washed their hands and headed towards the exit.

They were all lost in their own chit chat and as soon as they stepped out of the large entrance, they were all engulfed by a huge mist. Frailing their arms in different directions, everyone was confused on why the place was covered with such this mist, it was so dense they could barely see what was ahead of them.

"Be careful guys, don't injure yourself, walk cautiously." Chan ordered and everyone let out a small yes. They took small, calculated steps and soon enough walked out of the mist. They all looked around themselves are were left speechless.

They were back in the centre of the circus arena. Right in the middle of it.

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