Save her

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     This old familiar place, now. It's a old reconstruction project abandoned. No one is here to fix it... has it been years? Days? I don't like to think of the date.

I just fish my problems away. I've caught practically every single one but. Their's a few that evade my catch.

I don't know why my soul hasn't left this dinky carcass yet. Maybe because my purpose isn't complete, Ah well. We'll see what happen-



What was that?

I follow after the shout with concern as I hear... splashing.

Y/n: Crap... HOLD ON IM COMING!!!

I dive into the water, quickly I grasp onto a cloth as I go back to the shore. Once I do so I look over at the thing I dragged back, it was a girl?

*Cassie pov*

I rub my eyes quickly coughing up the water.

?: A-are you alrig-alri-alright?

Cassie: Yeah... uh tha- AH!

I fall back onto the ground as I stare at the broken down robot. His left leg was ripped to smithereens his body the same. He was missing his left arm and a massive cave was in his heads right eye.

Cassie: Y-Y/n!

It was Y/n! His body was broken and torn but it was him! He was glitching out extremely aswell as water causes his circuits to spurt and body to spasm.

Y/n: I-I I I a-am alrig-alright

Cassie: Your obviously not!

The body finishes seizing before falling limp. I quickly move over to him as he doesn't move.

Cassie: Nononono! Y/N! Don't worry I can fix this!

I move over to his leg as I pull and pry the shell off. Watching as a dark red water pours out.

Cassie: Come on Y/n! Please don't tell me I killed you.

It was silent as all the water drains I decide to let him dry out before I explore the area. Once I make sure he is completely dry I investigate the ruined area.

Chunks of the roof have fallen into the lake. His sign was hanging by just a wire, and his cabin looked broken down despite the warm light leaking through

 His sign was hanging by just a wire, and his cabin looked broken down despite the warm light leaking through

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Carefully I move over to the cabin before opening it up. It was well kept, his bed was neatly made and everything was in order. A large bookshelf lined the wall as multiple maps and layouts of the pizza plex were marked and crossed. Then I saw something that intrigued me the most. It was a mask, it seemed so out of place here?


The furious mechanical roar shook me from my thoughts as I looked at Y/n in fear. His face softened once I put the mask back.

Cassie: I'm sorry. Please forgive me

Y/n: No. I-I sho-Shouldnt have shouted. What's your name little girl?

Cassie: Cassie. You um. Always were my number 2 favorite

Y/n: Don't tell me Monty was number one?

Cassie: No! It was actually Roxy!

Y/n's face contorted to one of tiredness as he sat on his bed. He chuckled to himself before laying down

Y/n: Th- that's worse

I let out a little laugh as I sat down. Maybe he could help me find Gregory? This is the guy he told me to find afterall, him or Freddy.

Cassie: I have a favor to ask?

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