The Show Goes On!

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      Angry, that's how all of the animatronics stuck here felt. They were angry and sick of being stuck, ripped apart. Forced to suffer for a reason they couldn't even remember

?: Roxy,...... Roxy. Roxy it's time to wake up.

Roxy: That voice...

?: Roxy you have to get up, the others need your help.

Roxy slowly rolled the stone off her, she couldn't see them. However she was sure it was Y/n... or another audio malfunction

Slowly she stood up though, gaining a grasp on what was around her.

Y/n: Alright, follow my voice. I will guide you to the others. You can do this

Roxy: I... can

Roxy pushed on further and further into the place. Following the voice of Y/n and despite multiple slip ups. She made it to someone else

Y/n: Chica.... Chica you need to stop sleeping. Chica WAKE UP!

Chica: BAWK!

Chica thrashed under the rubble she was stuck in. The rubble fell off itself as she managed to get up. She tried to talk but it only came out in sounds and tears, she was quite upset. When she hugged Roxy who got startled by the sudden action

Y/n: Thank goodness your both functional. No offense Roxy but it would've been hard to save everyone while your blind

Roxy: None taken

Y/n: Alright, we need to find Monty. He's a bit wild so-


?: Owwwwww.

Monty fell from the ceiling, his torso cracking from the blow as he drags himself up and forward.

Y/n: Oh... hey Monty.

Roxy: Monty? Is he alright?

Y/n: He could be better

Chica: BAWK!

Monty groans in annoyance until he looks up. He sees a familiar kid looking down at him, a mask covering their broken face.

Y/n: Hi Monty.

Monty: Little guy!?

Y/n: Yep, I'm stuck here like you. Gregory is too sadly. Come on we need to fix you guys up

Chica picks up Monty as they follow Y/n throughout the facility. He guides them over rocks and under rubble until eventually they come upon a door

*Cassie pov*

Y/n's body jolts up as I look at him in shock. He looks at me confused before shaking his head

Y/n: Right, Cassie... don't scream alright

Y/n goes up to the main door to the room before he opens it up. It was the main cast, but they were broken up and destroyed

Cassie: What happened to them?

Y/n: Blob.

Cassie: That doesn't answer my question?

Y/n: Yes it does.

Roxy: Hello Cassie.

Cassie: Hi Roxy!

The animatronics were fed through the machine as Y/n followed the instructions on how to fix them up. He fixed them the best he could but their shells were still busted up a bit. Roxy could see, Chica could speak -which Y/n seemed less excited about-, and lastly Monty could walk and move again


Monty shouted in glee before hugging Y/n, it was a very sweet scene to watch. But one question bugged me

Y/n: Good to see you too Monty

Cassie: Where's Freddy and the Daycare attendant?

Y/n: Hmm... they must be further inside the facility. Probably with Gregory

Monty: That kid! I thought he got out already

Chica: Yeah! Freddy should be free aswell

Y/n: The building apparently collapsed with them inside. They couldn't get out in time

Roxy: We'll have to get them.

Y/n: We will. As for the Daycare attendant, their in my place.

Y/n said guiltily as he looked away like a child who did something wrong

Chica: What do you mean, "in your place"?

*Timeskip Y/n pov*

I was annoyed I had to set him free, the others looked at the attendant in shock. He was tied up in a tree like a piñata and was just smiling like normal. Deep in the red forest of my lake

Sundrop: Oh HELLO! Cassie is that you! Oh I remember when you were a little kid, look at how big you've grown! Oh and hello others!

Roxy: Y/n....

Y/n: He got annoying alright! So I just hung him up and left him. I would talk to him so he didn't go insane, but not long or else I would go insane.

Cassie: Can we untie him now?

Chica: Yeah I think that's best. As for you Y/n, me and Monty have to talk to you!

Y/n: Oh great.

And like that I was dragged back to the cabin by Monty and Chica. It was bad, but I'm glad it felt so familiar

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