Cafe of Love at First Sight

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"Sasaki Cafe?" I was on the phone with my mother who had recommended me a new cafe in town. "Yup, that's the one."

I look up at the sign of the cafe, 'looks nice'  I take a deep breath and look back down onto my phone, "I'll talk to you later mum."

"Goodbye Yoshi-kun enjoy the cafe" my mother says before I end the call, stepping into the cafe, and taking a seat at the back.

"Hi, ummm... what can I- ummmm..." I see a waiter standing next to my table, staring at me. 'cute... wait what!?'  I couldn't believe I had just thought that.

I was snapped out of my trance by the waiter clearing his voice and taking a deep breath, "Sorry... what can I get for you..?"

I look up to him and feel my throat start to lump up, "Coffee... please..." was all I could get out.

The waiter nodded his head and went off to behind the counter, and over to the coffee machine.

Sasaki P.O.V.

"Hey little bro, why is your face all red?~" My older sister, Satako teased me, as she came over to me, where I was making coffee for the customer... the cute, customer who I took the order of. 

I stayed silent, ignoring Satako's teasing, "Awhhhh, come on Shuu, don't ignore me." she whined as I continued to ignore her.

After the coffee was finished I walked away from Satako and her whining, and over to the customers table, placing it onto the placemat.

I looked up from the table to see the customer, smiling up at me, "Thank you." He said as I felt my heart start to race and my throat closing up.

"I... uhhhh... yeah..." I walked away slowly, with my hands on my cheeks, feeling my face getting hotter.

Making my way back behind the counter, I heard Satako giggling and I fell down to the floor, with my head into my knees.

Satako's giggle fest came to an end as she crouched down to my level, "Hey Shuu, go take a break, I'll deal with your tables for now."

I look up from my knees and look at Satako, "Are you sure?" Satako nods her head and helps me up of the ground.

"Thank you Aniki." Satako walks out to the cafe floor and I walk over to the break room, sitting on the couch, trying to clear my head.

Satako P.O.V.

'I will get that boys number'  I thought as I walk over to the customer Shuumei was serving.

"Hi there." I walk up to him, seeming to catch him off guard. "Oh... hello." I laugh quietly, pointing down to the chair opposite to him, and he nods, allowing me to sit down.

He looks at me confused and I chuckle slightly, "Right, sorry. My name is Satako Sasaki, my family runs this cafe."

His posture slightly rises and he smiles, "Yeah, you have the cafe's name." I nod my head, "Yep, we named it after our last name."

I rolled my eyes slightly, "Uncreative I know, but we thought it was cool." The customer slightly tilts his head, looking at me confusingly, "I think it's rather creative."

I start laughing until my stomach hurts, and I start coughing, gaining weird looks for the other customers.

"What happened to the other waiter?" I look up and faintly smile, "That's my brother Shuumei, he was feeling a bit off so he's taking a break."

"Speaking of which, my brother really wants to be your friend, could I get your number for him?" The boys face goes red as he covers it with his hands, slightly nodding.

A small snicker escapes my mouth as I start to grin, "Oooooh~ do you like my brother?~" 

The customer raises his head from his hands, and looks around the store, taking a long breath and nodding his head, "Y-yes..."

"Great! So whats your name?" He looks at me for a second, "M-Miyano... Miyano Yoshikazu."

I smile and get up from the table, "That's a lovely name, I hope to see you again soon." Miyano nods his head as I walk away.

After a few minutes Shuu comes out of the break room and back onto the floor. He walks up to me and smiles, "Thank you Satako."

"No prob kiddo." Just as Shuu is about to walk away I grab his shoulder, as he swiftly turns back around, "What's up?"

I reach into my pocket and pull out a napkin, handing to him, whispering into his ear, "I got that boy's name and number for you."

Shuumei quickly unfolds to napkin and smiles, pulling me into a tight hug, thanking me more times then I can count.

Sasaki P.O.V.

I stuff the piece of paper into my pocket and get back to work, unable to stop smiling throughout the rest of the day.

After a day of hard work we lock up the cafe and go upstairs to where we live. I quickly rush to my room, and pull out the piece of paper, writing the number into my phone, 'his name is Miyano huh? cute...'


Sasaki: hello, sorry to bother you

Miyano: Hi, who is this?

Sasaki: oh um, my name is Sasaki Shuumei, I'm the waiter from the cafe you went to today

Miyano: Ohh, hi

Miyano: Your sister said you wanted to be friends with me?

Sasaki: did she?

Miyano: Yep :)

Sasaki: oh, well I do...

Miyano: Cool, me too

Sasaki: seriously??

Miyano: Of course, would you want to hang out tomorrow?

Sasaki: yes! :)

Miyano: Great! Where do you wanna go?

Sasaki: the park? with the playground? 🥺

Miyano: XD sure

Miyano: You a big fan of playgrounds?

Sasaki: yes! I love seesaws and swings :)

Miyano: The playground it is then

Sasaki: okay, what time?

Miyano: Is lunchtime good for you? 12pm?

Sasaki: yep

Miyano: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then :)

Sasaki: okay, bye :)


I turn off my phone and lie on my bed, holding my phone to my chest, as I stare up at the ceiling, feeling my heart racing, excited for tomorrow.

Miyano P.O.V.

I kept reading through the last messages, smiling like an idiot, I couldn't wait to hang out with Sasaki tomorrow. 

His sister was right, I only just met him, but I had quickly fallen in love with him, Shuumei Sasaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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