Chapter 7

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I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Sorry it took so long, I lost interest for this one and decided to focus on other books and get them finished.

Jess pov:

I sat on the couch in Ryan's house, he had left to go get some groceries. I wasn't sure what to do, ryan hadn't really given me any rules, there were no set do's and don't's. It was throwing me off quite a bit. With my Dad before, there was very strict rules to follow or you'd be beaten, often times I'd get beaten anyways wether I was good or bad. At the orphanage there also was strict rules or else you wouldn't get food that day.

I was at a complete loss at what to do, so I just sat on the couch to afraid to do something wrong and make Ryan mad at me. So far he had been nothing but amazing, same with his family. But there had to be a flaw, a catch, maybe he wanted to lure me into a false sense of security so that I drop my guard and he can beat me, or maybe he's just using me for fame although he hasn't made it public that he's adopted me yet which kinda contradicts that theory.

Most people start out good and then after a bit show their true colours, that's what happened with my dad. I was sure that something like that would happen with Ryan.

I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of the door opening, Ryan walking in carrying some groceries.
"What'd you do?" He asked cheerfully as he put the stuff away. I swallowed nervously and shrugged, Ryan frowned,
"Did you do anything?" He asked sounding surprised, I again just shrugged. "So you just sat there?" Ryan asked, I slowly nodded.

Ryan stopped what he was doing and came and sat next to me.
"Jess this is your house now, you can do what you want, if you want to do something then do it." Ryan said gently, I stared at him struggling to comprehend this.
"No rules?" I asked. Ryan frowned and seemed to think for a second.

Ryan pov:

Jess's question caught me off guard, well actually everybody that had happened since I came home caught me off guard. Maybe I should have some rules, my parents certainly had rules when I was growing up.

I took a deep breath, "my rules are simple, be in bed before 9:30, no leaving the house without me or my expressed approval, help with the chores, and lastly and most importantly," I paused for a dramatic affect, "you must be a number 12 fan." I smiled at Jess, who gave a small nod. "Other than that what's mine is yours and you can pretty much do what you want just as long as it not's dangerous."

I gave Jess a gentle pat on the back as I got up, but froze when she flinched. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my emotions in check, Jess wasn't even looking at me, instead she stared straight ahead. I wanted to go beat up whoever hurt her.

"Jess, I won't hurt you, I promise." I said, I walked back to the kitchen and continued to put the food away. I glanced at Jess again and smiled as I watched her hesitantly grab the remote and turn the TV on. She put captain America the winter soldier on, before slowly looking at me. As if double checking she was allowed to, I gave her a small nod.

An hour later, the door opened and Chase, Bubba and William walked in. They all said hello to Jess, who shyly responded before we headed downstairs to the rec room leaving Jess to her movie. We started to play some pool together.

"So, when are you going to make it public?" Bubba asked as we watched chase line up for a shot.
"I don't know," I said with a sigh, "do I make a post on instagram or do I just show up at the track with her?"  Chase muttered under his breath as his shot didn't go to plan. The rest of us just laughed.
"It would be funny if during an interview at the track you were like, and that's my daughter. Man peoples faces!" William said laughing.

I thought for a minute, "True, and then I could make a post about her after so no one starts any rumours." I said. I smile as a plan starts to form in my mind.


It's a bit short but I wanted to get something out after keeping you guys waiting for so long!

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