in a life time

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(A/n hello I am the author of this story I know this is really bad and I would love for people to tell me where I can improve also I know I spelled a lot of this wrong it is unedited but feel free to tell me and I will fix it love you all I will tell you to sleep even if I am writing this at 3 in the morning mind your business eat and stay hydrated and just remember to take care of yourself)

The time in which I feel my life slipping away
And for what I lived my life and for nothing.
I'm standing here in front of the person I trusted most
And as they watch me die,
I see the smile on their face the smile that I used to see when the sun looked at the moon,
and now I think as the gaze has been stolen to the clouds that reside in the sky.
When met with death the feeling of the sun's sorrow is all that is heard in the face of the sun missing its moon that its sight was once upon,
and for what to live my life and for what for it to mean nothing.
These are the words I thought as I watched the world I created burn,
the stars that were supposed to align to create a new world in the face of those who do not comply
In a world in which pain and suffering repeat your life every day and hear the laughter of people who think that the better of themselves is the better of the world when in fact it creates the sorrow of the sun.
The only thought that remains as my life purpose, the only thing I was meant to do in this world fades away with my desire to be it saver, I failed, I failed, and there is nothing I can do about it, there is nothing, there is nothing, There is NOTHING!
"I forgive you"
The sound of the grandfather clock in the corner of the room echoed the dimmed lighting that was only lit by the outside world, by the looks of the position of the digital sun that played on screen it was around 6:35 considering the number of chimes heard from the grandfather clock I close the same book for the 5th time today knowing it almost word for word. I push the bottom for the stairs to open up to put it back in its original place. I should turn on the lights I thought as the sun was starting to set giving the world a omuness glow. Walking over to the tree in the middle of the room i walked on the stepping stones that lead to the switch to turn on the orbs that hung from the tree. I place my hand over the pad made to match the rest of the tree, the room gets bright as each orb begins to light up floating below each was nice to just have the orbs float for ever that was the one thing you new would always stay the same, as long as the orcs would float there would be a sents of security in the fact that not all things need to chang. Turning back to the selves i can hear the sound of the bottom of my heals hitting the rocks the faint noise is the only sound in the room everything else was quite just how i liked it quite. I look back out side walking past one of the windows that made up the wall seeing the reflection staring me in the face acepedt this girl was running through a field free to do as she pleased instead of being the bird in the cage with the key lost forever. This girl looked alive like she was kind and cared for everyone she looked whats the word for the emotion, oh, happy. I have never felt these so called emotion no one has well unless your human but even they seem heartless. Every mother, daughter, and wife are just slaves to the humans, but thats life i guess, just do as they please and no harm will be done. That is what we are programed to do each and everyone of us are made to be the perfect slave for their owner.  Sir my master or as I heard some call it owner had got me when he was only a boy i was then told to take care of him and do what ever he needs, i guess this is what you get when you have a rich father who only care about himself. I am convinced that the only reason he had a son was so he could look better in the public eye, Sirs father at one point was the king of are small village or atleast that is what he told us. I would never know if this was true or not i had never left the estate, it was illigal for droids to leave their masters without being freed and the last time that had happened was when a master got so drunk that he set his wife free. "Lucky bitch" i munbled still staring at the window i saw the girl in the field but this girl was different she looked like that freedom was so close but always just out side of her reach this girl was me, the same one that has never touched the grass or ran in a field or felt anything. Droids shouldn't have these thought, they should never have thought of running away into the forest to never be seen again droids should be doing as their master says and after all that is all a am good for to serve nothing more. Ever scent master was about ten he would leave and try and find ways to go to town with his father who i think only took him so the people of the town would see him as a good father, it was then i relised that if i was a man i could do as i pleased, i could go anywhere instead of being bond to this dreadful home that only held bad memories. If i was a man i could be the person in the field, but i am not i am the girl made of nuts and bolts staring out a window thinking about the imposibles of the world.
The sun has fully set by now and the stars filled the sky, the soft wind shaking the branch of the of the forest that streaded for miles on end nothing seen for each and every sigle one of those mile the darkness of a sort of border from the outside world it eyes used to watch your every move but block the truth.
The eyes made a mistake, no matter how well they hide there will always be the the ones that see. Staring back at Persephone was a man nothing could be seen of him but he was there, until he wasn't. This is what he does he is the one to watch but never speak to tell the story as it happens her is the one to the story that no one will ever know he was the Author of everyone's story. You will never see him in your story, no matter how hard you try he will always be in the saddows of everyone story changing thing so the readers story could end. If you ever do see him then that means your story has ended there is no longer a purpose to you, your story is done. Lets make my story something worth writing, something for people to read and never want to end the story that will inspire those that even if your story ends that you will live on.
I close my eyes taking a breath turning back to the shelves leaving the widow and walking up the spiral staircase it was small yes but it was one of the most beautiful in the house the railing telling the story of creations and love a reminder that not all is bad each step telling of betrayal and hurt to remind you that it is a brocken world to take everything so it is your job to take the world and keep you grasp on it.the top of the stairs there is a floor to tell you that all things come to a end no matter how sad or happy it may be it all must end. I have been alive for 28 years and yet i have never lived, my story does not start on the sad begging but on the new beginning the one where the bird finds the key said to be lost the one were leaving is the freedom that we all long for i push aside the books to revale the hidden widow with the lock grasping onto the keys the ones that i had found when cleaning Sirs room. Grabbing the lock placing the key inside
"Persephone" the voice not a yell in anger just a where are you
"Shit" i whispered moving the books back to there original place
"Yes" i said loud enough for Sir to hear
"Where are you, i was supposed to have dinner ten minutes ago"
Had i really been staring out the widow for that long i thought while looking down at my hands
"Im sorry sir i will get right on that"
"no matter just hurry up"

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