Chapter 23: Illya Meeting/Encounter Grongi

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

Next Morning Later

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Zouken Matou.

Zouken was not one to give into fits of emotion. No, he had long since mastered the art of channeling emotions such as disappointment and rage into more constructive pursuits. Losing one's temper just let them vulnerable and was a waste of time and energy that could otherwise be used to get around cause those emotions in the first place. It was a trait that out of all his relatives, only Kariya have obtained but in the end even that had been devoured by the Crest Worms used to empowered him the Fourth Grail War. Zouken's other son Byakuya and by extension his son Shinji never had an inkling valuable trait in the first place. One drowned himself in alcohol simply because he couldn't get over the failures while the other floundered in false pride and simply pretended those failures didn't happened...and it was stupidity in action.

Of course, that night Zouken's talent for dealing with setbacks was being exercised yet again and finally executed his plot to distract the servants by sending another servants to (Y/N)'s apartment and then his target was tried to kill (Y/N) and because it was failed and (Y/N) got brought more backup with him to fighting at the servants right away.

For the sake of the Matou's victory, the American Master and his servants had to be taken out. They were wildcards, unknown variables that needed to be eliminated. Fighting against the 7 Servants and Masters was difficult enough but he was prepared for them. This pair made up of a slight shifting Master and his unknown servant made things...difficult and to set his plans back on track Zouken intended to eliminated him. With True Assassin presented with such an opening it should have been eliminated him to simply kill the boy and be done with it.

But that did not come to pass.

The boy's reflexes in his armor form of Kuuga and he was the true legend but he saw how stronger of him is. True Asssassin did not take seriously and it cost him the first strike, allowing the American to be ready for him. The Servant of Seven Death attempted to strike the boy down a second time and managed to wound him but it couldn't work like that (Y/N)'s armor form of Kuuga who was protecting himself. The True Assassin was tried to take (Y/N) down but it wasn't work like that (Y/N) just going to fight him and kick this motherfucker badly until he wasn't moving and then (Y/N) let Assassin live and retreated back to his own master.

 The True Assassin was tried to take (Y/N) down but it wasn't work like that (Y/N) just going to fight him and kick this motherfucker badly until he wasn't moving and then (Y/N) let Assassin live and retreated back to his own master

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