The Day i lost my life

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It's the year 2073 and a "normal" day in night city, gang wars, robbery's and some maniac throwing around grenades. Lots of other shit happening to.
Well I don't have to worry about that. We were dispatched and are now on the way to a apartment complex, not a mega building but still a big one.

0.3: so what's is it this time sir?

I looked at my subordinate as i stand in the middle of the Zetatech Valgus Helicopter and holding on to a handle on the roof.

(You)0.1: As always some cyberpsycho. Ran into a apartment complex and is gunning down the civi's.

Pilot: approaching destination ready for jump out.

(You)0.1: alright let's get this over with.

I said to my five subordinates, in return they loaded there guns. I loaded my M-179 Achilles tech precision rifle.

Pilot: landing and opening right side.

The door of the Heli opens and we jumped out weapons drawn. A holographic barrier appears.
We got to the door.

(You)0.1: alright 0.2 and 0.3 do the first floor, 0.4 and 0.5 will take the second, 0.6 and will take the third. After clearing follow up.

Group: yes sir!

We then began the search of the building.
0.6 and I got to the 3 floor. A guy came out of his apartment and I pointed my weapon at him in response.

Civilian: ahh shit MaxTech!

He stumbled back inside and I have a quick look inside the apartment seeing nothin and continuing the search. After I left the guy closed his door.

0.6: were are the casualties and the rampage

(You)0.1: if this is just a fucking prank I'm gonna punch whoever thinks this is funny.

We swept the hole building until we regrouped at the 20 floor only the roof to go.

(You)0.1: alright only the roof left, anyone found any traces of an attack.

0.2: no sir

0.4: no sir

(You)0.1: well let's clear this and get the fuck out of here.

Group: yes sir!

We all went up the stairs and the door to the roof was locked.

(You)0.1: 0.3 your up, covering.

0.3 had leg implants and kicked the door out of the frame. We covered him and spread out... nothing. I told command over comms.

(You)0.1: house clear, false alarm.

Then out of nowhere a guy with mantis blades jumped out from behind a went output and jumped on top of me.

Cyberpsycho: arhhhhhhh fuckers!!

(You)0.1: ah fuc-

I couldn't even finish before he was on top of me, luckily I dodge his blades.

0.5: I don't have a clear shot

I wrestled with the psycho. I was on the ground with my head over the edge. I grabbed his arm and broke it, in result the mantis blade on that arm stopped working. With the hand I broke his arm with, I took my side arm and shot him in the stomach making him of balance. With that I managed to kick him off and in a quick motion blew of his head with my rifle.

(You)0.1: fucking psychos!

I tapped into the comms again

(You)0.1: false statement, the Cyberpsycho was hiding. Target eliminated.

0.2: well this was not the plan but I suspected this would happened.

(You)0.1: what was that?

I looked at my subordinate still stand at the edge of the building.

0.2: your not without reason the leader of this squad.

I couldn't even react and he shot me with his Midnight Arms SOR-22 Alia's the "Elephant".
In that situation, what do you do? I stood there the bullet piercing my armor then my skin and then out the back. I flew of the building from the force. I fell and my survival instincts kicked in, I pulled out my monowire and swung them towards and pice of metal sticking out of the facade of the building, luckily I hit it and the wire tangled around it, stopping me from falling abruptly. But the wire thanks to the force of falling sliced through the metal and I began falling again, this time only 5 floors before smashing into a car with my back.

There I was, bleeding out on top of a car. Shot and betrayed by my comrades. I looked up and saw them looking down on me through the cracked optics of my helmet.
I heard through the still active comms:
"Mission accomplished, even though the psycho failed".

This mission was to eliminate me. So what now? I laid there bleeding out, I don't know how but the bullet just went through me without hitting any vitals. I have no idea how since the weapon was called "elephant" for a reason.
I then had a sudden energy boost, probably the adrenaline and my implants trying to keep me alive.
I knew this part of the city and I knew were I could go to survive.
I heaved myself out of the car and began to run, one hand over the wound blood streaming down my arm.
I ran and ran barely seeing the way in front of me. I don't know how far I have come, when my energy and strength left me as fast as they came. With my last strength I could throw myself inside an alleyway.
My situation has not brightened up, the location just changed. I layer on the cold ally floor waiting until my end came when I heard footsteps. Heavy boots, multiple people. I could hear voices as I looked up I could make one thing out... Malestrom. That was my end. I began to black out, when I remembered one of my implants. Second heart activated and I jumped up before pulling my side Arme an offing the three gang members.
My only thought: I don't have any time I need to go.
I ran out of the ally again leaving the three body's with bullet wounds in there heads behind.
I finally reached my destination.

Misty's Esoterica

I barged through the door.

You: Misty!

Misty was crouching behind the counter.

Misty: you can knock there is no need for these-

She began to look up and before she could finish her sentence she saw me.

Misty: MaxTech?! There are no cyber-

You: Misty it's me Y/n please... help

I finally succumb to my wounds and dropped to the floor. The last thing I could see through my broken helmet visor was Misty's running in my direction before everything went black.

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