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Okay, so that's not good she can't remember who she is who I am who anybody is. I don't know how to feel about this, but all I can say is I feel responsible for what happened to her. Every time I replay the car accident, I feel guilt I know I could've done something to save her or at least made her injuries less worse than they. I still don't know why I didn't react in time.

Dr Melendez POV
This is my niece were talking about her mum. It's going to kill me that's for sure. The first thing she told me was to take care of her daughter I want do I end up doing that's right getting her injured. It kills me to know that she doesn't know who I am all the memories we shared are gone She doesn't remember what her own name is. She doesn't remember her birthday. She doesn't remember her family and I somehow feel guilty for not protecting her. But I know we have to figure out how to get her memory back, even if it takes a lifetime.

I am going to be honest, I don't understand what is happening. Everything seems to be spinning around for speed, but at the same time in slow motion. I do understand that I am in a hospital room, but I don't understand why according to the doctor I was hit by a truck for speed and right now I am in recovery. I see a man with pearl white skin pacing back-and-forth. It's getting kind of annoying but I don't say anything to him. He's in thought and I wonder why, but I know that he's here taking care of me he really seems to care about me, but I think that's his job right he's a doctor after all. As I stared at the man I was snapped back into reality. By Dr Claire, I think that's her name. She told me that we were best friends and then we just went shopping the other day but I don't remember any of those events nor do I remember anybody named Claire. I was told that Dr Melendez, was my uncle, but I don't even remember him at all and it frustrates me, because these people seem so adamant about everything they're telling me I don't know what to do.

I feel bad, not knowing who these people are as I try to remember everything goes blank. I just was told that my name is YN Melendez. But the name doesn't ring a bell, who am I? Is all I can think about. I didn't realise I was crying until the man with the brown fluffy hair blurted out
" you're crying why are you crying? Are you sad?" Shaun said
" sorry I didn't know I was crying until you said it. Thank you for letting me know and no I don't think I'm sad. I'm just very confused about everything that's all."

He didn't say anything he just looked at me and turned around. I sat in the chair across my bed. He's very confusing, and I don't understand why. But the way that he talks is very intriguing. It's like I heard his voice before, but not at the moment we spoke right now. His hand jesters seem familiar, but yet so far gone in my mind I kept thinking so much about everything that's going on that I've pretty much went into panic mode.

" hey hey sweetheart I'm right here. I'm right here it's going to be OK. You understand me we're gonna get through this together no matter how long it takes. OK just know that we are all going to be here for you every step of the way." said Dr. Melendez.

" and what if I don't get my memory back what if I don't remember who you are or who Claire is or who the man with the brown shaggy hair is you guys are all adamant that you know me but I don't know you and it bothers me because I keep trying to retrace my steps but nothing pops up in my head it's blank like you guys never existed. I'm sorry I'm sorry that I'm putting you guys through this. I know it's my fault." you say

" this is not your fault OK what that man did to you is not your fault do you understand me? If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I should have made sure you were walking side-by-side with me while we went out for lunch. You did not deserve this and I really hope to get you back. YN" Dr. Melendez said.

You realized that he let a tear fall down so you slowly reach for his face and wipe the tear away. He gave you a small, sympathetic smile you knew he was hurting inside. He was trying his best not to let it show, but at the end, real men cry.

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