/1/ A shithole of a city

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1919, Birmingham

There was no better feeling than the wind whipping against her face, her hair entangling behind her and the rush of adrenaline in her veins while she sped through the fields on Lightning, her grey stallion.

One look back told her that Leander was a few meters behind her. His grim facial expression caused her to laugh. He wanted to win this so badly.

But Nora had other plans. She spurred Lightning further and when she saw the little stream before her, she grinned confidently in her victory.

A little jump, so she was on the other side of the stream and then, she threw her fist in the air, laughing out loud.

"I won! I did it! Again, you have lost, brother!"

Leander, who only arrived a few seconds after her on his black horse, almost tore out his hair, screaming angrily at himself because of his loss.

Being overly dramatic like always, he slid down from his horse and fell to his knees. He grabbed the grass in front of him and then screamed again in agony.

Nora descended from her horse as well and showed Lightning to go drink from the stream. After patting her neck, she patiently walked up to Leander.

Seeing him pretending to cry out loud made her laugh.

"Bloody fucking fuck! Why are you doing this to me?" He looked up at the sky as if some God was up there who decided to not let him win. "Just this once. Just once!"

"Are you finished?" Nora asked calmly and he shut his mouth.

He looked up at her smug expression and his eyes narrowed.

Nora, knowing her brother very well, quickly shook her head.

"No, no! Leander, no!"

But she could have said no a thousand times and Leander would have still jumped up to race her.

"Just you wait, you little minx!"

"No!" She tried her best to get away from him but without their horse, he was a lot faster than her.

"Leander!" She squeaked as he wrapped his arms around her waist, got down on his knees and pulled her with him onto the ground.

He started tickling her everywhere and she almost choke laughing so hard. She attempted to crawl away from him, but he was too strong and kept her underneath him.

"I swear to fucking God, I will kick you in your balls, Leander!" She threatened. "We will see how much Louise Warren will like them if they're all blue and you wince every time she fucking touches them! Or Bethany Singer! Or Cora..."

"Don't you dare!" Leander had stopped tickling his sister and now kept her wrists pinned to the sides of her head. His black hair fell into his eyes as he looked down at her. Both were breathing heavily.

"Don't you think I wouldn't do it!" She spat. "Now, let me go."

He groaned but his balls and his whores were too important to him than to risk that.

"Fine!" He let go of her and then fell on his back beside her.

"Thank you!" Nora let out sarcastically and tugged at her skirt.

"I hate you so fucking much." Both turned their head towards the other.

"I hate you so much more." She retorted and then both started to laugh. Their bodies shook and when they were finished, both had to catch their breaths before any of them could do something else.

"Who is it at the moment?" Nora asked after a moment while staring up at the blue sky. "Louise, Cora...?"

"Her name is Elizabeth."

"Oh, it's an Elizabeth now." She could only shake her head at her brother's sexual activities, not understanding how he even managed to find all these women wherever they went.

"Want more details? She can do this thing with her tongue where she..."

"Bloody hell, Leander!" Without hesitation, Nora sat up and punched him in the side, making him groan in pain. "That's so disgusting. Really."

He laughed while rubbing his hand over his body.

"At least I am having fun in this reeking shithole."

She rolled her eyes at that, not wanting to have another discussion about the smell of Birmingham with him.

"We're not here to have fun." She walked over to the horses and stroked Lightning's side.

"Then what are we here for?"

He had followed her and sounded a lot more serious than before.

Nora asked herself whether he had wanted to come here with her because he simply wanted some answers. But she couldn't give them to him. Not yet.

"I've told you."

"What you've told me was that we'd come here for father's funeral. Then, we came back to visit his grave, alright. Then, we came once again because you wanted to catch up with old friends." She slowly walked around the horse until they both stood at its sides. Leander watched her while she concentrated on doing little braids in her horse's mane. "That going on for almost a year now, Nora."

"Getting tired of your whores round here what?" She murmured.


"What?! I am not finished here! End of discussion."

"Finished with what? You're hardly doing anything."

"That's not true." He didn't even hear her.

"You either talk to your horse or go into that church to light a candle for dad. Tell me, have you even met those friends of yours? Are they church people? Or did you find yourself a priest to fuck, is that why you go there?"

"Shut up, Leander!" She interrupted him and shot him an angry glare. "No, I am not fucking a priest. They aren't even allowed to do that, you moron." Taking a deep breath, Nora tried her best not to shout at him again. He only wanted answers and she knew, if she were in his position, she'd be the same.

"If you hate it so much in Birmingham, then leave. Go, travel, see the world and come back whenever you want to."

Leander let out a snort. "And leave you behind? Never."

Seeing that she didn't know what else to say, he walked around her horse and then stood in front of her.

"I don't want to leave, don't get me wrong. But I want to know what's going on. We're camping here next to this shithole of a city every few months and I have no idea why. If you like it here so much – which would be a little concerning to be honest - then tell me. If you want to stay here for good..."

"No, no, there's no reason for me to stay here for good..." She sighed. "Let me just...let me sort some stuff out, then we can leave again and never come back."

"Sort out some stuff with the friends you never meet?"

Nora couldn't help but smile a little at his teasing tone.

"Yeah, with the friends I never meet."


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