/8/ Desperate for love

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Hey, I am back again. I know, it's been some time but I hope you enjoy this chapter now!


1919, Birmingham

Nora had forgotten what it meant to be with the Shelby siblings. Forgotten how much she fitted into their world, how much she craved to be part of something like that. Drinking with Arthur, dancing with John, meeting little Finn and gossiping with Ada and Polly about the men brought Nora a feeling of home she had missed for a long time. Without even knowing.

The moment she had stepped into the house on Watery Lane and met the boy whose birth she had witnessed tears brimmed in her eyes. Finn was everything she had imagined him to be – a playful young boy who was promised to turn into a fairly handsome and charming young man. In a sense, he reminded her of a younger Thomas. If only because he was quieter than John's children.
Nora had only taken care of the four of them for one afternoon and she had already felt as if her ears were falling off. She loved them nonetheless even without knowing them much.

Almost every night of the last two weeks was spent at the Garrison with her favorite Shelby siblings – basically everyone but Thomas.

Ada and her got along well instantly, the Shelby woman having wished for some female help all along.

Nora asked her about her relationship with Grace but Ada only shook her head, admitting that she and the blonde did not seem to be on the same foot. Another reason why Nora was suspicious of the barmaid. She had tried to get to know her for the past weeks but Grace seemed hesitant, almost scared, to open up about basically anything. It intrigued Nora and the way Grace scanned the room and listened to every conversation near earshot did not go unnoticed by the Gypsy woman either.

The final seal of their bumpy relationship was sealed one Saturday night when Nora sent Arthur to their booth while she was waiting for Grace to give her a bottle of Irish whiskey.

Usually, the woman with the curls only took the bottle and went over to she Shelby booth but tonight she motioned Grace to fill her a glass right at the bar. Looking over the people Nora sipped at her drink, knowing very well that she was watched by Grace from behind her back.

"Tell me, how'd you convince Thomas to let you sing in here?" It was only about an hour after Grace had stopped singing to get back to her barmaid work.

The blonde shrugged.

"I can be very persuasive."

Nora hid her grin inside her glass, thinking about how much alcohol Grace would need to admit that she was Thomas' whore. She'd probably pass out before.

"Who're you working on tonight?"

Frowning, Nora put her arm on the bar and looked at Grace, the hazel liquid in her glass swirling.

"I don't understand."

"I didn't either." Grace admitted nonchalantly. "Not before I saw how long you looked at Tommy the other night."

Now, Nora was really interested in where this conversation was about to go. Arthur and John were too far away to hear, Harry was busy somewhere else and no one seemed in need of a barmaid right now. Perfect time to get some things out of Grace – if only to have some fun.

"And how did I look at him?" Nora questioned quietly, not giving away any hint of her emotions.

Grace's eyes narrowed and she took a step forward until her hip was touching the bar between them. "People either stare at him because they're scared or because they want to... bed him. I don't take you for one who is scared."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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