/6/ Family meeting

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Hey, I'm sorry there wasn't a chapter last Wednesday, but therefore this one here is a bit longer than usual! ;)

Just FYI, in 1906 John would be 11, Leonora 13, Thomas 16 and Arthur 19

And although they're not in this flashback: Ada would be 9, Leander 8 and Finn isn't born yet)


1906, London

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Maggie?" Nora's father asked once again, not knowing that their daughter was outside with Arthur, Thomas and John, all of them listening to the conversation.

They had been begging their parents to let them explore London on their own. While Thomas was able to quickly convince his parents – he could convince someone to buy a fur coat in the Sahara – Nora's father was still uncertain about the whole thing.

"Arthur's nineteen already. He's gonna look out for them."

The two younger brothers and the girl looked at Arthur simultaneously.

"Did y'all hear that? I'm responsible." He cackled. John punched his arm, scoffing.

"Yeah, talk yourself into it."

Nora giggled at Arthur's hurt expression and earned a warning glare from Tommy who seemed to be the only one still trying to be as quiet as possible.

Then, suddenly, the door of the caravan swung open and Margaret Shore stepped outside.

"Boys! Nora!"

The children quickly ran around the caravan and tried to seem as unsuspicious as possible.

"There you are. Look at me, all of you." She stood in front of them and although Arthur wasn't exactly a child anymore, he still felt slightly scared at the woman's stern gaze.

"I want you back before it's dark, understood? Arthur...?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Don't get yourself into mischief. Nora...? Tommy...?" The two of them smiled innocently and nodded. It was really strange why her mother thought that the two of them would cause some kind of mischief...

"Of course not, Mum."

Margaret sighed. The main reason why she allowed them to go was that she knew they were either way. To allow it meant that they had at least a little bit of control.

"Can we go now?" John asked, impatiently. But he quickly shut up when Margaret raised her brows at him.

"Here, this is for you." She pulled out a brown pouch Nora was familiar with.

"Mum, I still have my pocket money from this month."

"Yeah right! I know you've spent all of it within the first week, Miss. Now, take it." Grabbing her daughter's hand, she put a couple of shillings into it. Then, she went on to do the same with Tommy who stood next to her.

"Oh um, Mrs. Shore, you really don't need to give us anything."

"And who would I be if I gave something to Nora but not to you?" Margaret grabbed John's hand the next, doing the same. "Family isn't always by blood and you boys, are also my boys."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shore." They said politely, knowing that it wasn't always easy for their families to simply gift them money like this.

"Don't mention it. Arthur, don't go spending it on smokes."

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