Headphones (Fei Rune)

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Alrighty, I don't have any special guess with me today... gomene minna~ but here's a little something for Deinahmarie, who requested this one-shot with that cute green bunny, Fei Rune!


You were taking a stroll with your green-haired boyfriend, Fei Rune on a hot summer day when you realized that he had his headphones on and was smiling down at you. This got you curious as to why he was smiling at you like that. You instantly got conscious about how you looked that you started straightening your (HC) hair and wiped your face for any dirt that might have smudged there.

These actions earned you a giggle from your boyfriend. You locked eyes with him and asked, "Is there something w-wrong Fei-kun?"

He didn't answer, you thought he probably didn't heard a thing you said. Instead, he smiled at you and held your hand as you both continued to walk, side to side.

A blush appeared on your cheeks as you noticed how cute and dreamy he was as he lead your way.

You always wondered how you two ended up together considering how different you two kinda were. He was silent yet quirky, but he knows when to get serious. He was romantic and is never afraid to voice out how much he loves you as he showers you with actions proving so, and the gods know you loved that about him.

You, on the other hand gets easily flustered. You get talkative when nervous and completely conscious of yourself whenever he's around. You sometimes can't verbally tell him how you feel about him but you tend to show it in the littlest actions you do, and the gods know that he loves that about you.

You two reached your destination which was the ice cream shop where he confessed to you. He pulled out a chair for you and told you to wait for him there. After a few minutes or so, he came back with a huge bowl of your favourite  flavoured ice cream sundae with two spoons.

"Eat up." He said with a smile. You thanked him for the treat but you didn't know if he heard it with those headphones on his ears. Even so, you started to eat slowly, the last thing you wanted to have was a mega brain-freeze.

While eating, you noticed how Fei would only take a few bites while he lovingly stared at you. He had his head resting on his hand as he took another scoop of ice-cream. He had an amused smile on his lips that looked as if he was making fun of you.

"F-Fei!" you said in an exasperated tone, "please stop doing that!"                                                                         

He didn't answer, he only kept his eyes on you while he wore that same amused smile. You knew he couldn't hear you so you grabbed his headphones off his ears, earning a surprised yelp from him.

"What did you do that for (FN)-chan?" he asked with a sad tone. "Are you angry?"

This sudden change of atmosphere caught you by surprised. It got you really embarrassed because you've never done something like that to Fei. So you quickly calmed down and answered, "N-no..."

He noticed that you were lying but he smiled instead, "Do you want to hear the song I was listening to?" he asked sweetly.

You gave him a small smile and a nod, "What's it about anyway?"

"It makes me think how my world would be without you." he answered as he took his headphones from your hands and placed them on your ears.

You didn't hear anything.

"I hear nothing." You said taking the headphones off.

"Exactly." He answered as he placed a kiss on your soft, cold lips. "My world would be nothing without you in it."

You blushed madly at what he just said as you felt him taking hold of your hand, "T-Then why did you keep your headphones on the whole time?"

"It blocks off anything else within hearing range so that I could only focus on you." he said with a smile, "Because all I need in my world now is you."


And that's a wrap!

I'm sorry if its too short but this is the best that I could come up with. Its soooo fluffy and corny.. haha I know.

I'm sorry to announce that requests are closed for the time being because I'm doing my best to write the tons of requests you guys gave me. Thanks a lot for those by the way!!! I'm really happy for them (:

Also, I have to apologize for the really slow updates because school just started and it's really stressing me out. thanks for being patient and supportive always and I hope you guys continue reading my works.

Between you and me, my other works are coming out undone so I have to fix 'em all up and update those as well (:

I love you guys! Watch out for the next updates!!!

Anyway, please vote, comment, like and share!!!!


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