The Prism

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Long ago in the Universe, there was just the Darkness and the Light. The Light was pure and luminous and the Darkness helped it shine. While the Light enjoyed the company of the Darkness, it yearned for more. While floating, it came across an object. It was shaped like a diamond. Curious, the light floated around it, looking at it closely. In its glass, the light saw its bright reflection. As it swirled around, it saw quick glimpses of something it had never seen before.

"What is this?" the Light asked itself.

"My gift to you," the Darkness replied. "This is a prism. When you pass through, you will receive all that you wanted. It won't just be us. There will be more."

The Light glowed with excitement. Curious but careful, it went in and through. When it went through and came out, it was no longer one light, it was now six colors. The colors looked at each other and themselves.

The Darkness named them. "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple, go out and color the worlds of the universe together."

The colors went far and wide and began to color the universe. They went to the planets and galaxies close and far, dyeing them with their hues. In a short amount of time, the universe was colorful.

The colors then began to wonder which color was the greatest out of all.

Red began. "I am the greatest. I am courage and love. I am the color of the essential component of beings, blood."

"No, I am the greatest." Orange argued. "I am fire and amusement. I am the color of balance and perfection."

Yellow spoke, "That is good but I am the greatest color. I am sunshine and happiness. I represent wealth and optimism."

Green disagreed strongly. "I am greater than you all. I am spring and youth. I am the color of Nature emerged from rich soil."

"I am Heaven and Sea." Blue boasted. "I represent great faith and the infinity of imagination. I am truly the best color."

"I am elegant and beautiful." Purple said proudly. "I am the color worn by great royalty and nobility. I am the greatest color out of all."

They argued continuously. Their verbal brawl was heard by the Light and the Darkness.

"Stop it, all of you," ordered the Darkness. The colors were silent.

"Please, my children," The Light began. "This competition is unnecessary. You all came from me. You are equally borne, equally great."

"You must love one more than the other," Red said.

"It is because of your great differences that I love you all." the Light. "You each have listed your positive traits but you also have negative traits."

"Red, you are sometimes an angry color and can be quite hateful. Orange, you can be dangerous as much you are amusing. Yellow, you possess the potential to be envious and betray others. Green, you possess the same traits as yellow as well as being the color of sickness and misfortune. Blue, you can be cold and distant with your sadness. Finally, Purple. You represent vanity and falseness."

The colors looked at each other, speechless after hearing their bad traits.

"This is in no way to shame any of you." the Darkness said. "I have my own negative traits as does the Light. It is how we use our traits that really matter."

"Yes." the Light agreed. "You are great individually. Together, you all create something beautiful, the lovely rainbow. Unified, you represent life, peace, hope, connection and change. No more fighting. You are great by yourselves and together."

With that, the colors came into accordance and went out, bringing more color to the worlds of the universe, individually and in unity.

"Embrace your individuality and the Oneness you share."

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