𖥻 not alone, enhypen

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not alone, 엔하이픈

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not alone, 엔하이픈


"what's up mate?"

you raise your head at the sound of jake's voice coming from the ajar door of your room. a small smile creeps up on your face seeing his beaming grin, feeling some weight lift off your heart and shoulders.

"hi." you mutter as he approaches you with his gaze set on your desk, where your hands lay, covering something. a small piece of crumbled paper peeks from under your sleeve, catching his attention. he quirks a brow at that, yet he throws away his curiosity & takes a seat beside you.

you're sketching him again.

"how are you feeling?" he asks, hand searching for yours, but you shy away and slide your hands further up your desk, pulling the paper along. he sighs and places his hovering palm on your forearm, rubbing soothing invisible lines with his thumb.

"okay-ish." you shrug, taking a deep breath through your nose. he watches you blink away the tears that threaten to fall, before you continue. "better than yesterday, that's for sure."

"sunghoon told me you guys went for a walk & you got pistachio ice cream." he adds, a hint of hope lacing his quiet voice. pistachio was his favorite flavor and you'd grown to like it as well, so it was a huge surprise for your brother when his best friend came back from their attempt to get you out of your house and he dropped this very piece of information.

"yeah... kind of missed it." you say & shrug again, a single tear now rolling down your cheek. he inhales sharply at the sight, barely keeping himself from catching the salty droplet with his thumb, instead giving you a moment of vulnerability.

"and sunoo said you suggested you two go shopping." he continues ─ and he makes sure he doesn't bring up the fact that you'd bought the exact same dress you'd worn on your first date with him ─ it was the only thing you actually got. though disappointed, he sucked it up. 'part of the progress' he reminded himself, receiving a weird look from sunoo since he's frowning like he'd tasted something sour.

"i haven't spent a dime in a long time. i wanted to treat myself." you reason, finally dragging your hands towards your chest & revealing your sketches to jake ─ absentmindedly. by the time you realized it, jake had already seen the little doodles, him staining your sketchbook's page in black and gray; you haven't touched your precious colored pencils in months.

"i-it's not what you... i mean... jake..." you breathe out exasperatedly, but in no way can you possibly save this. he saw it all, just like the other seventy five pages you've covered in pieces of him, imprinting them into eternity so to not forget what he looked like, his sweet aura and mesmerizing looks.

that feeling when ➳ 엔하이픈Where stories live. Discover now