𖥻 let you break my heart again, 02z

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let you break my heart again, 공이즈

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let you break my heart again, 공이즈


"you look troubled."

you plop yourself on the chair across from sunghoon, a long sigh escaping your lips as you meet your childhood friend's eyes. your gaze holds hints of tiredness & annoyance - and the man can only guess one thing.

"the date didn't go as planned."

"bingo!" you sarcastically exclaim and clap your hands, pulling a chuckle out of him. "it's not funny, hoonhoon. it's the third date in two months and they all ended up being shit!" you whine & shove your face in your palms, taking a deep breath.

the waiter arrives and your order a double espresso, surprising the male across from you. "slow down, bud. coffee's not your forte."

"i need something to trigger me back into reality. i'm never going to find a good partner and that's it." you say & shake your head, trapping it between your hands. "i've lost all hope in love."

sunghoon chuckles at your remark, a small smile plastered on his lips. after taking a quick sip from his americano, he shifts his attention back to you.

"stop being dramatic. there's plenty of fish in the sea." he raises his hands in surrender at the look you give him ─ the one that screams "be serious". but he's all too serious. "nevermind."

"i just..." you trail, an exasperated sigh falling from your lips. "i can't seem to figure out what i'm doing wrong."

"then what if it's not you." he points out, leaning forward on the table. you stop your rambling and stare at him, a confused look on your face. "what if... you're looking for the right guy in the wrong ones?"

"no shit sherlock." you mock, taking a sip from the drink the waiter places in front of you, your face immediately morphing in disgust, almost pain. he lets out a quiet chuckle, fixing his coat as he brings his chair closer. there's a cloud of hesitancy masking his face, but he takes a deep breath & speaks.

"look... i'm no expert in matchmaking, but... there's these two guys. one's my classmate in history and the other's in math. they're good kids." he sits up on the chair with a sharp cough, and you notice the way his brows twitch, but you brush it off. "i could... set you up. they're both free this weekend, so it's saturday for the one and sunday for the other. you can choose on monday or... i don't know, whenever."

he clears his throat & meets your gaze after avoiding it for the entirety of his monologue. you nod with a low hum, a small smile making its way slowly on your face. "you'd do that for me?"

"i wouldn't propose it if i didn't want to. plus, i owe you. you set me up with yume back in twelfth grade."

"and it was a disaster." you quirk both brows in mockery, but he waves you off with a flick of his wrist. "i... i don't know what to say." you stumble upon your words; though you're not sure if it will end up great for you, you trust sunghoon to bits. he'd choose the best for you, even if it took weeks, months & years ─ he cares for you the way an older brother of yours would.

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