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"You deserve it. You are ugly and deserve to be hit. I hate and despise you. Got any last words?" Slowly I nod no. She starts hitting me every where she can. When she's done she drags me to the end of the bridge. "Bye Louis," she says with a grin. She lets go of me and I fall down.

Just as I fall I wake up with a scream. I wake up sweaty in the big white bed, that stands in the quest room.

Sighing, I sit up straight. This has happened more than four times now since I've been staying here. I've been here for  a week now and it's a lot of fun with Harry and the other boys (the nightmares not counting of course)

Liam is more the father in the group and Niall is especially present with all his jokes and random stories about food. I like those stories in the morning with a cup of tea.

Zayn and Harry are a bit quieter. It's really nice to talk to Zayn, I actually didn't want to tell anything about my background, but he succeeded to make me talk. It wasn't because he forced me, it's just very easy to talk to him because he listens well and gives good advice.

Of course I didn't tell everything, just the part that I lived on the streets and that I was beaten up by my mom last week. It's not really my mom anymore, I can't call her that. If a mom puts you on the streets and beats up, she isn't worth to be called a mom.

But I'm no longer thinking about my past, it makes me too sad.

So Harry.


Harry and I have a lot of fun together. We can be very serious, but we can also joke around. He also takes good care of me, even sometimes a little too much.

And about my crush..

You can't call it a "little crush" anymore. I'm smitten with him. Every time he smiles with his cute dimples I get a warm feeling. And even if he's in the same room as me being in the room I get all those warm feelings.

The boys are often gone, but they're are one direction, so I expected that. They're tour starts in a few months so they often have to go into the studio or have discussions with management.

And they also have some have small performances.

But well, I've had that dream four times now and they keep getting worse. This time, she wanted to kill me. A shiver runs through my body at the thought.

The tears I've been trying to hold back all week are now coming loose. They stream down my cheeks and small sobs leave my mouth.

My blood own mother! How could she! Putting me out on the street just because I'm bi. A loud scream escapes my lips.

And another one.

There are more and more and my arms make a fist with which I slam hard against the wall.

When I want to hit again, I feel someone grab my arms. Someone simply turns me around and wraps his arms around me.

It's Harry.

I also wrap my arms around him. "It's not fair, Harry." I say, loud sobs leaving my mouth. "Why me? What did I do wrong?"

Harry is still holding me tightly in his arms. "You didn't do anything wrong, Louis. It's not your fault that your mother doesn't accept bi people," he explains softly.

"She's not my mother anymore" I say and I release myself from his arms. "I hate her!" I kick hard against the wall.

"Come here." Harry says softly. He walks over to me and wipes away my tears with his thumb. He slowly grabs my face and makes me look at him. "Believe me Louis. You're not ugly if you're bi, your mother is crazy if she thinks that," he says.

"She is definitely crazy," I mumble.

"Promise me that you won't let those thoughts take over you. Please."

"If you promise me that you will stay with me. I need you.. Without you I would have disappeared from the world already," I say.

Harry immediately takes me in his arms and pulls me tightly against him. "Don't say that."

He stays silent for a while before speaking again. "I promise."

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