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Reviving something that has been lost.

This scene takes place after the competition

Lia leaned against the wall, her eyes scanning the room. They landed on the music club, or more specifically, Hailey. 

She was unsure how Jake felt about her, especially after Lia was the one who caused the falling out for Hailey and Jake.

Lia had been thinking of talking to Hailey again and trying to rekindle their friendship. Zoey wasn't being too kind anymore, not with what Lia did. 

So now, Lia was alone with no friends. Again. 

Lia watched the music club, waiting for Hailey to be alone so she could speak to her. Eventually Hailey walked to the bathroom. This was Lia's chance to fix everything. Lia walked into the bathroom and saw Hailey washing her hands at the sink. Hailey looked up and narrowed her eyes at Lia, expecting some kind of insult.

"What do you want?" Hailey asked, drying her hands. Lia took a deep breath and walked forward.

"I wanted to congratulate you on duet. Congrats on getting first place. You and Jake were amazing." Lia said, a genuine smile on her lips as she looked at Hailey. 

Hailey was shocked at how nice Lia was being, she turned towards Lia.

"Uhm thanks." She said, before walking past Lia to leave. Lia walked behind Hailey, taking a deep breath.

"Wait! I uhm, I just wanted to say that, uh." Lia stuttered for a moment, trying to think of what to say before actually saying it. Hailey stopped and turned around to listen to Lia.

"I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry for leaving you back in middle school. It was stupid of me! I just wanted to fit in and I was tired of being teased. I'm even more sorry for bullying you with Zoey and Maria! You don't have to forgive me, I just wanted you to know."

Hailey couldn't hide the shock on her face after Lia said that.

"Oh. Okay." Hailey muttered, still in shock. Did Lia really mean it?

 Lia sighed and started to walk away. Hailey probably didn't forgive her, and she didn't blame her. If Lia were Hailey, she wouldn't even forgive her.

"Wait!" Hailey said, putting a hand on Lia's shoulder. Lia stopped and turned around in surprise.

"I'm willing to..try and become friends with you again. I just need time to talk it over with Zander and Luke." 

"Really? I couldn't thank you enough!" Lia exclaimed, going in to hug Hailey but stopping herself.

"Your welcome..? I've got to get going now, see you tomorrow." Hailey said, before opening the door and walking out of the restroom.

A/N: Go follow my Twitter for WIPS and stuff like that. My twitter account is @Daily_Drew68!!

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