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An expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing

"What?! How could you just accept her apology like that Hailey?!" Zander asked, before sighing and shaking his head. 

"Lia left you back in middle school for some bitchy kids who pick on us! Why did you accept her apology?"  

"She seemed genuine Zander! Plus I never said I accepted it! I said I'd try and be friends with her again." Hailey retorted.

"Genuine my ass! And that's basically the same thing! Haven't you learned your lesson from Jake?" Zander asked, getting more annoyed.

"Jake?" Hailey asked, confused on what Zander was implying.

"You heard me. The only reason Jake joined us was for Daisy! And he ended up hurting you and the club!" Zander explained.

"Jake didn't mean what he said, Zander! And he did join for Daisy, but he ended up liking the club and staying!" Hailey yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But my point is, he still hurt the club! Even though we did give him a third chance, he still said stuff about us. I bet you Drew and his cronies have some sort of plan! That's probably the only reason Lia talked to you! Drew's dating Zoey isn't he? They all probably have some plan. Or maybe she thinks your cool and all that because we got first place in the competition. Either way, I don't trust her." Zander rambled, before walking away. 

Hailey sighed and pondered for a moment, did Lia really mean the apology? Or was she working with Zoey and Drew to toy with the club? Actually, didn't Zoey and Drew break up? There were rumors going around. And why would Lia come to the competition if she was just carrying out some plan for Zoey? Wouldn't she be there with Lia? Wouldn't Drew also be there if they were working together? Was Lia just really good at apologizing? Or did she mean it? 

Hailey was overthinking too much. She decided to give Lia a chance, but she would be careful. 

She wouldn't get hurt again.


"Hey Lia!" Hailey called out, walking towards Lia. Lia turned around, seemingly surprised at the mere sight of Hailey. Lia wasn't expecting Hailey to believe her, she just thought Hailey accepted the apology to get rid of Lia or something.

"Oh uhm yes?" Lia asks, slightly shocked.

"Do you want too...uh watch us practice? We'll just be practicing on our instruments and stuff." Hailey mumbled. She just realized that the only person that knew her and Lia made up was Zander. She hadn't told the rest of the club.

"Okay." Lia responded, even more shocked. Had the rest of the club forgiven her? She and Zoey used to bully Milly, and she was the one that basically ruined Jake's life. Even though she apologized. Zander didn't like her, she didn't know about Sean and Luke.

A/N: okay so i know this kinda ends nowhere but i had no motivation so i just decided to post it.

Regrets and Second Chances||HailiaWhere stories live. Discover now