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Okay b4 chapter 3 I just wanna make some things clear!!

❁Everybody knows abt Zoey, Lia, and Maria and the Jomies. Milly got bullied by Zoey, Lia, and Maria, and everybody else gets bullied by the Jomies.(This takes place after the competition, Jake's in the club and his friendship with Drew is ermm complicated)


Causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience

Lia leaned against the wall outside of the club room. The moment Hailey brought her in the club room, Milly immediately said that the club had to privately talk. Lia felt like physically combusting when she saw everyone's reaction. Jake look surprised, Zander just sighed and rolled his eyes, Milly. Lia didn't know how to explain Milly's reaction. Luke's expression was unreadable. Sean just seemed confused at everybody's reaction to Lia. 

Lia couldn't blame anybody for looking the way they did.

If somebody that bullied her just walked into the room, Lia wouldn't be too happy about it either.


"Isn't that Zoey's friend?" Luke questioned.

"HAILEY! Why is Lia here, in this clubroom?" Milly demanded

"What is Lia doing here?" Jake inquired.

"Why's everyone so bothered about Lia?" Sean asked, confused.

"So I guess you actually did decide to bring Lia after all" Zander muttered, crossing his arms. Milly turned to him.

"WAIT! You knew that Hailey was bringing this demon here? HAILEY! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" Milly implored, almost yelling now.

"Everyone! Calm down! Please." Hailey pleaded, trying to make everyone calm down. 

"Sorry..I should've told all of you guys. Lia apologized too me..and I forgave her. She's just here to watch us practice." 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Milly asked.

"Oh, I didn't know that you and Lia made up Hailey!" Jake responded.

"Everyone, hold on. If Hailey brought her here, then we should give her a second chance. Just like we did with Jake!" Sean said.

"But Hailey didn't tell anyone except Zander! How's that fair?! That girl bullied me with that SNAKE for years!" Milly spoke.

"Look, as much as I dislike Lia, I'm going with Hailey's decision. She is the club president after all." Zander said.

"I agree with Zander and Sean. We should give her a chance." Luke agreed.

"Yeah! I think it'd be pretty cool if Lia watched us! I mean, it's not like she's going to join the club." Jake added.

"Fine. But what if she's really just the same? What if she hasn't changed?" Milly asked.

"Then we won't talk to her again. So, can I let Lia in now?" Hailey surveyed. Everybody nodded. Hailey walked over to the door, she should've told everybody before. She didn't blame anybody for acting the way they did. If she told Zander, the least she could've done is told Milly. 

Hailey opened the door and stepped to the side, allowing Lia to come in.

A/N: Sorry abt that fact that there are barely any Hailia moments, I swear they'll be some next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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