Chapter -10.0

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A god - forsaken village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Clover - Ankvar. The inhabitants of this village were killed during an attempted invasion by the hostile Kingdom of Diamond. A tall, black-robed man in his early twenties was waddling slowly through the ruins. He wore a large-brimmed hat with a silver pattern on the tips, and a ragged dark blue mask covered his face.
Elb (as he was called) was looking for a certain magical beast that was rumored to be raging in the eastern lands of the kingdom for quite some time. Who and why he was asked about it - is not known, but the man was never interested in the reasons and motives of his customers "Money is good" - so he thought. Yes, that's right, Elb was a hunter...A bounty hunter.
The order this time was very strange:" I haven't ordered any animals yet... " he thought.
But, let's forget about this hunter for a moment and go a little further south...
Faber is a city on the outskirts, standing at the intersection of trade routes. The young (actually not very old anymore, 32 years is a bit much) mage knight adjusted his grayish cape with a deer stripe and happily blurted out:
"Oh, what a lovely day it was! - Novachrono, once again running away from his duties, was walking around the evening town.
"Look, it's Herr Julius! Captain of the Grey Deer! behind the knight, children's voices could be heard cheering. Responding to their exclamations, the blonde turned around, pulling a wide smile on his face, which seemed to be able to banish all sadness and sadness just by looking at it.
"Yeah, kids! Do you also want to become a mage knight?
To his rather uneventful question, the children happily answered in unison " Yesaa!".
- Magic knights are cool! The red-haired boy shouted.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Julius said thoughtfully.
"Yes, exactly! When I become a knight mage, I will be able to fight and attack dangerous opponents with my magic. the boy rejoiced.
"W-well, that... Novachrono tried to explain that the duties of a mage knight were completely different from just fighting.
"How stupid... I heard a high-pitched childish voice, but there was a hint of alarm in it. The future mage king craned his neck a little to see the owner of the blonde, disheveled hair. Before his eyes appeared tiny Thumbelina, wrapped in a long scarf and looking in the direction of the children with sad, frightened eyes.
"What?" The red-haired boy looked at the girl with a sulky and malicious expression. "No one asked you, you ragamuffin!
"Now, now, don't do that. Julius tried to settle the situation. But then no one even listened to him: everyone abruptly turned their eyes to the trembling little girl.
Unfortunately, this attitude wasn't unusual for her. Yes, it is understandable - klevertsy did not like foreigners, but for a four-year-old child to withstand such pressure was very difficult.
"I f-wanted to... the little girl began softly . ...say...
"What is it?" Novachrono asked.
"Magic knights are first and foremost helpers and then warriors, right?
It seemed like a simple phrase, but what an effect it had on Julius! At that moment, he thought: "This is really the truth speaking through the mouth of a baby!"
"Shut up, stranger, you haven't been given your word!" ginger snapped, offended at the interruption. To which he immediately received a slap in the face from his mother, and then a reprimand. The woman, quietly apologizing for the bad behavior of her wayward son, hurried to disperse the children to their homes.
The captain of the Gray Deer shook his head and was about to leave when he felt a tug on his clothes. He turned and saw Thumbelina again. Now that she was standing a little closer, you could see her "untidy" clothes, disheveled hair, and dirty nose, to put it mildly .
"Need something?"
The girl ruffled the hem of her cloak a little, then waved her hand to indicate that Julius should bend down. Novachrono looked at the little girl in disbelief, but did not object. She began to whisper, barely audible.
"Could you walk me out?"
The Grey Deer Captain was even more surprised!
"Spend it?" What for?
"Oh, don't be angry, mage knight," the old woman standing next to her answered for the girl. - The girl and her brother came to us here, but he is all in work: where he is running around-do not understand! And this animal has been running around here ever since they arrived... the elderly woman made the sign of the cross at last, then bowed and left.
"An animal?" The future Mage King thought to himself. "This was not reported to the general staff...I think we should stay here a little longer."
With these thoughts, Novachrono took the girl's arm and led her home...
Well, have you already forgotten about it? And he had already reached the village of Faber! Elb walked with a slightly loose gait along the streets, between wooden and stone buildings that were only 2-3 stories high. There were no signs of an attack: he couldn't find any scratches, damage or breakdowns, which means that most likely the animal doesn't enter the village itself. "Maybe he's taking a walk on the outskirts of the city," Elba thought.
"It's a big village, though. "the hunter heard someone approaching him!"
Without thinking twice, he ducked around the corner and listened. On the road to the outskirts of the village, two people were walking: a child and an adult man. Elb recognized the captain of the Gray Deer immediately, but he didn't care about the girl at all. But that's just for now...
"What is the strongest among the captains of the knight-mage orders doing here? A task? Is he also hunting a beast?" the thug was nervous.
"Well, where's your little brother?" The gray-robed mage asked. "Who does he work for?"
"Eh?" I don't know...
Julius became alert at that. He seemed a little worried about the girl.
"How long has he been gone?"
"Hm... she looked thoughtful..."Not for about two months now.
Novachrono's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the little girl with fear in his heart, realizing that there might be thousands more like her in their kingdom! And she walked with a light gait, full of hopes for the return of her brother...
Having brought Natsuhi, which was the girl's name, to her house, which was half-ruined, the man did not leave the village, as he had previously planned, but on the contrary, decided to stay for a short time in a local hotel. Still, it's not a joke: who knows how many more people might be affected...
Novachrono didn't wake up very early: it was about nine o'clock in the morning, and then, not because he felt like it, but because of a sudden noise outside. Without thinking twice, he dressed and walked quickly and quickly to the exit, where an incredible number of people were already crowding to watch. Julius pushed past passersby and hurried into the background, where a twenty-year-old boy, dressed in black robes and wearing a mask, lay in the middle of the gawking crowd. Elb was badly wounded in the chest. Dark rocs swirled around him in a faint swirl, particles like the small birds that make up all the magic in this world. But here's the strange thing, they usually have only one color - white, the captain of the magic knights has never met any other colors before in his life! Of course, the people around him didn't share the same excitement as him, because they had too little mana to see these particles.
"Black...from where?" asked Julius. "This can't be happening!"
.. Elba's whisper was barely audible, but Novachrono could still make out the words. "That girl...- after hearing this, the "Gray Deer" fell into a stupor. The young man passed out and wouldn't be able to wake up soon, but one thing was clear...!
"N-Natsuhi...- the knight-mage decided to visit the girl due to recent events. - And why did you and your brother leave your native country?
"Eh?" I don't know... she handed the man a plate of cookies. He took it and put it on the table, still listening. "Aniki just said it was dangerous, but I still don't know why... the little girl puffed out her cheeks, lowered her eyes to the floor, and raised her hand to her chin, thinking.
"Well, I'll go... The girl smiled as she picked up the yoke in the corner and headed for the door.
"Wait! Julius stopped her. "I'll come with you." P-I'll help you, otherwise it's hard.
"Not really... the blonde was a little surprised.
- No, no, you're a girl, and girls can't carry heavy things!
"You can't leave her alone
" You see, I can do it myself! - The girl deftly picked up a bucket of water from the well, "hugging" it with her small hands...
"Yeah.".. Julius clapped his hands. He tried not to let it show, but it was clear that the captain was nervous when the little girl laughed so happily and carelessly, without suspecting anything...
"Do I need to report this? Or is it better to deal with this quietly?" the mage mused. Deciding to write a report anyway, Julius first called his confidant, Marx, to look after the village and paid special attention to protecting Natsuha. He suspected that she was the one being hunted by the mysterious beast..
Elb had been in the hospital for about two weeks. I didn't even think about regaining consciousness! While he was passed out, images kept popping up in his head: as if the tape had been inserted, but there were clearly gaps in it. But he remembered that very night clearly - the battle was clearly not an easy one...Ears that look more like a cat's, gray eyes, and a distorted half-human silhouette. The hunter had never seen such a monster before...
Soryan for such an abrupt narration)
Night. Quiet and peaceful, starry. However, Novachrono was in no hurry to give himself up to the sweet embrace of Morpheus. He sat at a table in a huge, opulent hall crowned with Doric order columns, and thought about the latest events that had stirred his imagination quite well: on the one hand, he was interested in seeing a new type of magic that he had never seen before, and on the other, "why Natsuhi?"
The question kept nagging at him. "What's so special about it?"
Then a white planar image suddenly appeared above his head, spreading out in bright streams of light from the middle to the edges, disappearing. It was Marx's magic, even though for some reason you couldn't see him. Normally, his communication magic would display an exact image of himself in a second, but this time it was different, which made Julius really tense up! The window flickered and flickered slightly, and then disappeared altogether as the faint sound of words came out. The blond man immediately stood up in surprise and, after ordering the black-haired youth to get ready and call for reinforcements, immediately went to Kobu to carry him to the village.
Meanwhile, in the settlement itself, something crazy was going on everywhere: Elb, standing on the main street and holding a barrel of oil in his hands, pouring its contents and setting it on fire! The people around them panicked and ran madly to the outskirts of the village, screaming and begging for help.
"Ha-ha! Right! Run for your pitiful lives!
The fire was set by him in order to get the villagers out of this village before the beast that was already raging in the center kills everyone. But now a dark silhouette has already burst into the local church! The long, long hair that covered his face hung in dirty, fire-singed strands. Bright gray eyes darting from side to side and twisted limbs with claws. Any wounds that weren't inflicted on him would instantly heal!
"How do you fight such a monster?!"
Elb threw the barrel at the monster and threw a lighted match. The oil abruptly flared up and the fire covered the entire body of the evil spirits, from which they began to writhe in agony with shrill screams. But even the flames weren't able to defeat the monster! It burned, but it didn't die! The body of this chkdishche was fully recovered, even no burns remained.
"This is clearly not regeneration anymore, " Elb was surprised.
Maddened with rage, the monster pounced on the hunter, causing both of them to fly away for quite a long distance. Elb pulled a small dagger from the sleeve of his uniform before landing instantly, purely on reflex, and tried to get rid of the attacker by striking. Surprisingly, it worked: the monster jumped back from the young man as it fell. Clutching the wound in its neck, it screamed pitifully!
"Here it is!" thought the hunter, " A weak spot."
He was already preparing to strike a second blow, a crushing one! When I suddenly felt that all the sounds suddenly disappeared! The flames that had recently destroyed the village were extinguished...there was a deathly silence. The beast writhed in pain and moaned. Elb only took his eyes off her for a second to look around, but as he focused on his target, he attacked, and then the monster suddenly disappeared and was replaced...

 Elb only took his eyes off her for a second to look around, but as he focused on his target, he attacked, and then the monster suddenly disappeared and was replaced

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The hunter tried to hit him again with his metal magic, but a steel shield strangely appeared in the stranger's hand. Or rather, not quite a shield, but rather just a mass of steel. The stranger ran his right hand through the air, quickly drawing out some symbols. Suddenly, the ground shook and water gushed out from under it. Just a huge amount of water flooded the entire area. Then I felt something prick my skin. A bright flash of lightning rippled across the water and instantly struck Elba...
After a while, the Gray Deer squad arrived at the scene of the recent events, but neither the monster, nor the fire, nor the strange stranger in the strange mask was already there. Only the wounded bounty hunter lay in the middle of the empty street, unable to get up, remembering the words: "Save me, brother."..

End of chapter



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