Chapter -10.1

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Note: In this chapter, the name "Asta" can sometimes be written as "Aster". Internally built for a crossover world, these names are identical and their different spellings and pronunciations are due to language barriers and dialects.
"Mr. Julius! "a junior mage knight was in a hurry to deliver a very important report to his captain. His quick footsteps echoed through the corridors.
- Found it?! Novachrono was clearly worried, pacing back and forth with his right hand under his chin. After that incident, Natsuhi disappeared: they had been searching for her for a whole month! And this greatly upset the captain of the Gray Deer.
- no. Excuse me. The boy bowed, dropping to one knee and dropping his hand to the floor.
The wizard started to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden old voice:
"I see it's restless here." behind the youth was a tall old man with a very thick beard and profusely growing white hair. On his head was a large pointed hat with a gold clip. His hands, although they looked strong, were still covered with wrinkles and moles. The old man was wearing a black robe that stretched all the way to the floor and covered his legs. He carried a wooden haversack wrapped in a spiral at the top.
Julius knew who it was, so he was quite surprised.
"Why is he here?
".Rector Magomed! the messenger boy suddenly blurted out. "I told you to wait at the entrance!"
"Ho-ho-ho! So be it with you. The old man burst out laughing and shook his hand to calm the boy down.
- Matall Magomed?! The one? Novachrono was dumbfounded.
"And you must be Julius?" Hm... The rector scratched his beard a little. "I've heard a lot about you...A powerful warlock with time magic. You've reached the rank of captain and now you dream of rising to the position of the King of Magicians.
"Does he even know about this? What kind of person is this?Novakhrono was
greatly stressed by Magomed's words, but he still did not show it, radiating his usual calm.
The rector continued his speech:
"However...It seems that Kira Clover, the king, does not approve of your candidacy.
"What are you talking about?" The Time wizard asked.
- You have a good country...- continued the rector.
"What does that have to do with it?" the messenger boy didn't understand what the old man was talking about at all.
"Just think! In a world where there are so many people without magic, there are already four wizard-only states! Magic is just a commodity here, and one's position in society is determined by the amount of mana.
"Well, that's not quite true... Novachrono said.
"Is it?" the rector thought a little. "Well, I didn't come all the way from Mustashim to praise you. I offer you a deal.
Julius tensed even more!
"My dream is to have as many countries as possible like Clover or Peak Kingdom.
- And what exactly do you need for this? the captain raised his head.
The rector responded by explaining what the deal was and why he needed Julius ' power. However...
"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be a part of this. Novachrono replied clearly and briefly...
And now I suggest you go to the very outskirts of the abandoned lands of the Kingdom of Clover, the village of Hage.

   And now I suggest you go to the very outskirts of the abandoned lands of the Kingdom of Clover, the village of Hage

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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