Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

I watch as Merlin bends down and picks up some more herbs from the floor before he picks up a mushroom.

That's when we hear this strange groaning and screeching sound near by. Merlin stands up looking at me in concern. That's when a creature came storming towards us, with wings, coming right at us.

In panic Merlin dropped the basket and we made a run for it through the tree's.

"Merlin why are we running! Don't you think we could take it down with our magic?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure!" he shouts back at me.

"We have to try or its going to kill us!" I shout at him.

That's when Merlin tripped over onto the ground and its right behind us. I turn around and shout only spell that may help. "Impedimenta!" I shout hoping the time I over heard Hermione talk about the spell comes in handy now.

It makes it fly back enough to avoid attacking Merlin. I pull him to his feet but my spell didn't seem to do much and I curse under my breath.

If only I knew more. That's when a young man comes out of nowhere and starts to slash his sword at it in effort to help.

I watch as it seems to work until the sword shattered in front of us as he tried to stab it with it.

"Run!" he shouts. We all turn and run for it through the tree's trying to put as much distance between us and it.

There is a tree log up ahead. We all jump over it and duck quickly. It fly's up into the air over our heads and we watch as it disappears from sight.

"It's gone," I say out of breathe.

"You helped us, thank you. I'm Merlin," Merlin smile putting out his hand.

"Lancelot," he smiles back shaking his hand.

I watch as Lancelot head goes back and he passes out.

"He is hurt," I say to Merlin.

"We need to get him to Gaius as quick as possible."

Merlin's POV

The things  I try do for people. For the people who help me out never seems to be an easy task. Harry can't go out, not when  Arthur and Uther are still in this castle. He hasn't got anything he can do. So I've been on my own.

Lancelot wants to be a knight of Camelot but Arthur told me you have to be noble blood. It's not right. It's why I may have used my magic to break a few rules. But why not? Lancelot deserves to be a knight of Camelot. He could give Arthur a good fight that is for sure.

All I got to hope now is Lancelot succeeds in becoming a knight. It's all down to his skills now. I hope he can win the battle with Arthur I really do.

"Merlin," said Harry coming up from behind me.

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask him.

"I really need some air. I hate being stuck in here," says Harry annoyed.

"It's too risky," I say.

"Oh come on Merlin. We done risky stuff before back at my school right? Come on!" Harry says to me.

"Alright come on then. We have to go out the castle though. Just get some air just on the out skirts  of the forest then we are coming straight back."

"Sounds good," smiles Harry happily.


I sat on a tree log as Harry took in the fresh air. "Thanks Merlin this really means a lot," he smiles at my direction.

"Sure no problem," I beam at him.

"I'll be right back I just want to go get some water from that river we saw," says Harry.

"Sure be quick!" I smile.

He walks through the trees and disappears. "Your Arthur's servant,"  a voice whispered from behind me.

I turn around to find a young looking women behind me.

"How you even know who I am?" I ask her.

"People know Arthur has a new servant. Everyone hates Uther and his son too. Why do you serve someone who don't even care," she snaps.

"I don't get what you are talking about? Arthur is better then his dad. I know that," I tell her.

"But he still treats you like a slave!" she snaps.

"Why does that matter? Everyone has to work, its just the way it is," I tell her.

"Maybe Arthur doesn't show it. But he does care. I'm sure he does," I tell her.

"He does, does he?" she says as she steps closer to me.

"Yes. I'm sure of it. I've got to go any way my friend is taking too long,"  I say as I turn towards the way Harry had went but that's when she gripped my hand.

"Maybe you can help us. Help us take down  Camelot for good so magic can return," she whispers.

"I would never hurt Arthur or this Kingdom. One day things will change," I tell her before I pull from her grip and begin to walk away.

"Who said you have a choice Merlin!" she laughs loudly.

That's when the creature that had attacked Harry and I before steps out in front of me so I couldn't go that way anymore.

I back away a little just for two young men force my arms behind my back. In panic I used my magic on them making them fly backwards. "Leave me alone!" I shout.

"You have magic! And you still serve a man who would have you killed!" the women shouted at me.

"It's my destiny!" I say in a whisper as I know I have nowhere to go.

The women shouted a spell making ropes wrap around my arms and I try get free with the few spells I know but they won't loosen.

"What you going to do with me?" I ask worried.

"You say Arthur cares? Let's see if he does hey? Let's see if the little prince will come running. You better hope he does or you better say goodbye to everything you love," she cackles this time.

"Why are you doing this!" I say loudly.

"Because you betray your own kind! And if you serve Arthur and he cares that much the prince will come running into our arms. Might not be Uther but if we kill Arthur it will destroy Uther once and for all," she smiles. She gets the two young men to chuck me on the Griffin and she climbs on after next to me.

"You have control over him?" I ask confused.

"Yes," she smirks.

This is not good!

"Harry!"  I scream before I feel suddenly tired and drift off to sleep.

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