Chapter 10

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The vote was made, and a ballroom dance was to be held on Christmas Eve. Quidditch lost by only a handful of votes.

"I am so excited!" Poppy shouted as they made way towards Hogsmead. "My grandmother gave me one hundred galleons for a dress of my choosing. I want it to be colorful and dramatic, like the feathers of a jobberknoll." She said in a sing-song voice. "But not real jobberknoll feathers unless ethically sourced."

Natty and Juniper laughed. It wasn't unlike Poppy to be passionate, but it was surprising how passionate she was about the ball.

"What are you thinking Natty? Going all out as well?" Juniper elbowed her softly.

Natty stroked her chin with a finger. "Hmm. I am not sure. I would have to make a decision once I see what Gladrags Wizardwear has to offer."

The three girls arrived at Hogsmead and made their way into the tailor shop. Word of the dance spread quickly, and the vendors were prepared for any and all requests. Colors were bursting in every piece of fabric, and everything from lace to gold buttons was on display in the already fabulous shop. While Natty and Poppy were still making decisions on their designs, Juniper, who had sketched her dress before leaving the castle, went to the Three Broomsticks to wait for the other two.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" Sirona, the owner, asked as she served Juniper a butterbeer.

"Waiting on Natty and Poppy, we're getting our dresses made for the ball." She sipped on the foam that built on the top of the mug. "I had mine pretty much picked out before I walked in, so now I have to wait. They're very excited, we all are."

Sirona leaned her arms on the counter, "Who are you going with?"

"I have not decided yet." Her cheeks turned into a soft pink. "Poppy has mentioned she plans to ask someone, and Natty has been asked by several. I was hoping to go with Ominis or Gareth, but I haven't gotten around to asking if they're going."

"What about Sebastian? He stopped by the tailor yesterday, so he must be going."

"That... well..." Juniper sighed. "We haven't been on the best terms as of late."

"Relationships can be complicated, even the casual ones. I understand. But if nothing else, you should at least mend the friendship. It's hard to have fun if you're mad at each other."

Sirona left Juniper to serve another client, and Juniper went to the second floor to wait for her friends. She leaned her head against the cold glass. She had not talked to Sebatian for days. Hell, she had not seen him since the time in the library. Ominis never questioned what happened and acted as though nothing had transpired, yet he would dodge any questions regarding his recently bruised knuckles. But she never saw Sebastian, not even a glimpse in the common areas or during mealtime.

She was in this state on contemplation when a glint of blue reflecting on the snow caught her eye. As soon as she focused on it, it vanished. Thinking it was some trick of the light, she ignored it and continued down her rabbit hole of thoughts when it appeared again. A puff of light like a whisp bounced of the snow yet leaving no trace in it. Curiosity gnawed like a pit in her stomach, but she had promised Ominis she would stop going out and finding trouble. But there wasn't any sign of trouble, was there? It's just a cute little blob of light bouncing out of Hogsmead. She went to the front door and looked down the street for any sign of Poppy and Natty. None. It could be hours before they make a final decision, she thought. What's the harm in a quick detour? She took off eastward, in the direction of where she saw the whisp. She stood in the last place of her new mysterious tour guide and looked around once more. In the distance, she saw it again. She headed towards it, thankful that the snow was only ankle deep and that she thought of wearing tall boots.

It had been several hours, and the snow began once more. Her ears and nose felt like they could fall off of her and she wouldn't feel it, and her fingertips were not far behind. She had lost sensation in her toes, her feet felt heavier with each step, and her cloak was almost completely white and drenched. She had tripped and fallen more times than she remembered, soaking her clothes in the process. She became impatient and eager to find whatever it was she was being guided to. It had been so long since she went on a quest.
It almost felt like the first time. She was addicted and had no intention of stopping.

Once she reached the base of the mountain, the trail stopped. She spun around, hoping that the whisp would appear before she froze to death. The wind picked up, howling in her ears, creating icicles in her exposed hair and around her scarf. It became painful to breathe, and visibility was low even with it still being daytime.

"Come on, you wretched light! Show yourself!"

As if on command, it reappeared, almost touching her face. But there was nothing there, just the edge of the mountain. Juniper was furious.

"Are you joking?! I came all this way for nothing! Ominis was right, I should've just given up!"

She placed her hands on the rocky surface and screamed, angry. Everything in her life felt wrong. Her friendship was Sebastian was ruined, and in turn, he created a thin gap in her friendship with Ominis. She was so scared of getting hurt again that it made her want to avoid exploring. She should. She felt weak, afraid, and lonely. She began hitting the wall in front of her. Over and over again until her mittens ripped, causing the unprotected and wet skin to break open. A gash the length from the base of her little finger to her wrist bled profusely. She held it close to stop the blood from pouring out, getting it all over her blouse. The last thing she needed was to lose just enough blood where she would for sure die. She searched for what cut her hand when a small black piece of metal poked through the dirt. Adrenaline buzzed in her cold ears, she ripped her blouse and tied the fabric tightly around her wound. She then stepped back and waved her wand.


The dirt gave way to a metal snake protruding the rock. Its mouth was wide open, fangs and tongue exposed. At the end of the tongue, where it forked rested a small bowl with an illegible inscription on the outer edge. She inspected the statue. The snake was coiled around what used to be a lamppost now with the top broken off in a menacing pose, as if whoever placed it there froze it in time mid strike. She took a closer look at the bowl. The letters were incomplete and burnt. When she tried to remove the dish from the serpent's tongue, the statue hissed at her. She stepped back, the jeweled eyes imbedded in the statue's head gleamed. If she had not known it was in the mountain just moments before she would have sworn it was alive. She pointed her wand at it, casting every spell she could think of that would do something, trigger anything, but nothing worked. She even tried a few curses, thinking the dark magic might awaken something within the statue, but again nothing.

She paused for a moment; a string of excitement tied around her heart. Looking at the bandaged hand, she released it from its makeshift bandage and squeezed her wounded palm over the basin, watching her blood pool in the bottom of it. The serpent began to move. Its tongue retracted into itself, swallowing the bowl. Its eyes beamed before completely slithering down the post and onto the ground. It climbed up the cold wall in front of her and tripled in size, forming an arch that framed a door which magically appeared on the face of the mountain. She hesitated briefly, exhaled, and walked through.

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