Chapter 12

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Juniper climbed up from a short creek ravine after collecting some much needed horklumps. Why buy something when you can forage it while questing anyway? Her wet boots squished with every step from the snow melting from the warmth of her body that she made extra sure of taking care of with the clothing she chose. The thick wool-lined tan pants along with the warm oversized knitted sweater that she layered with multiple undershirts and her cloak to top it all off, she was determined to not repeat last time's outcome. She rubbed her injured arm, noticing it was bleeding through the bandages. She would have to redress it once she finished. She continued deeper and deeper into the cave, praying that it would have an exit so as not to backtrack through the way she came when she reached a large opening that was flooded with sunlight. Little patches of slushed snow were scattered amongst the ground and walls with unnatural stubborn greenery poking through. In the center was a pillar half covered in snow and wrapped in thorny vines.  Faded letters forming illegible words were etched in the stone walls of the pillar. The closer Juniper approached it, the more the surrounding sounds faded, as if there were a bubble around the ominous baluster encapsulating it away from any outside influence.

Peeking out from the top of the pillar was the hilt of a dagger, decorated with intricate swirls of black rock and metal. A glistening ruby reflecting the sunbeams was set at the blunt end of the hilt with dragon claws to secure it in place, and other muted gems were scattered throughout the rest of the body. Juniper reached into her satchel and removed a second dagger similar in markings but with an emerald on the end instead of a ruby. She lightly picked at the healing wound in her palm until it bled.

"This is most definitely going to leave a scar." She said while squeezing her hand tight for the blood to drip onto the pillar.

As soon as it did, the stone came to life. Orbs of light like makeshift eyes appeared on either side of the pillar, glowing menacingly as if disturbed from sleep. The side that held the dagger in place opened wide, the jagged stone simulated a mouth full of sharp teeth. The dagger began to sink into the pillar as if being swallowed, but before it disappeared completely, Juniper reached for it. As soon as she pulled it out, the stone crushed to a close, returning to its original form as a ruined baluster.

"That's three." She said a little shaky, not quite yet used to the way this magic chose to manifest itself.

Back at the castle, she casted a disillusionment charm to hide from the prefects patrolling the hallways and made her way to the Slytherin dungeon. Every step down the common room gave her a bit more hope that she had entered undetected until she reached the stairway that led to her dormitories. Sebastian was sitting against the stair rail, his head bobbing back and forth in an attempt to stay awake. Juniper backed away slowly, trying to circle her way to the stairway with as much space as possible from the sleeping Sallow. With every step to the right, she would take a step back, still in her disillusionment charm. When she was only a few steps away, something firm bluntly hit her back. The edge of the side table dug into her back, bringing out a small cry of pain from her. Simultaneously, the lamp that was peacefully sitting on top said table rattled its way towards the floor. Before Juniper could catch the lamp from giving away her position, it swirled into the air.


She sighed defeatedly and undid her charm. She stood next to the floating lamp and stared at Sebastian as he set it back on the table with ease.

"I had a feeling you would be back late." He said, holding her bleeding arm while also inspecting her palm. He guided her towards the nearest table and sat her down, removing a case from his pocket.

"Since when do you carry a healing kit?" Juniper asked as he gently opened the case, retrieving gauze and antiseptic alcohol.

"Since you started coming home injured. It's the third time your hand is bleeding, and you keep reopening the gash in your arm. I'm pretty sure the one on your palm is going to scar. Unfortunate placement for one, can't show it off as easily."

Juniper winced as he undid the old dressings that dried blood had glued it to her skin. "Next time I think I'll get another one, I'll be sure it goes on a better spot that will make you proud."

Sebastian chuckled, and he gently removed the last of the dressing. "I'm going to clean them, alright?"

Juniper nodded in response. "You seem to know what you're doing."

"I used to take care of Anne when she hurt herself, which happened a lot. Mischievous girl. And occasionally, Ominis, but now he would kill me if I tried."

She let out a small laugh, taking note that Sebastian had not looked up at her once yet. He carefully added the alcohol to a ball of cotton and grazed it over her arm. She winced, clenching her teeth hard so as not to make a sound. Her whole body tensed from the sting.

"I'm sorry." He said, a tone of sadness in his voice.

"Aren't you going to ask me?" Juniper asked between her teeth.

"Ask what?"

Juniper winced a second time as Sebastian went over her wound again. "About how I got these-" she was interrupted by her own sharp inhale.

He set down the cotton soaked in both blood and alcohol and reached for new bandages. "I've learned that anytime I ask a question, it always turns into an argument." He wrapped the clean gauze around her arm. "And I don't mean it as it's your fault. I've given you enough reason to argue with me. So, I've decided not to ask questions about where you were or what you were doing. I'll be here until you get back and care for you when you let me." His voice wasn't aggressive or sarcastic. He wasn't trying to guilt her into complying. He simply had come to terms with the fact that their friendship was a sinking ship and that if he tried too hard, he would sink with it. He loved her, but not enough to watch her walk out of his life again. At least now he could actually do something to help her, even if it meant not trying to stop her from getting hurt.

She was silent, a wave of relief spread through her body. She was glad that the arguing would stop, that he would trust her enough to let her do what she must for her own good, and potentially everyone else's. But his words still hurt. He wasn't giving up on her, but he was giving up, and that shot a wave of unease through her, mixing like oil and water with her relief, neither one fully taking over.

"I see..." she finally replied. He finished dressing her wounds in silence. Once he was done, he collected his healing kit and led her back to her dormitories. He waited at the entry for her to go in.

"I heard you're going with Ominis to the ball." Sebastian looked down at his feet, face warm.

Juniper paused with her hand on the knob. "Yes, he's escorting me."

He shifted. "I'm glad. It would be a shame for you to go alone. You're pretty popular, surprisingly."

She smiled softly, frustrated that he still had not looked at her. "Thank you, Seb. You're a really good friend."

He looked up. His dark eyes intensified with the blush in his cheeks. The moment sent a shiver through Juniper's body.

"I'll see you at the dance."

She smiled back. "I'll see you there."

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