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Noah POV:
I left Y/N's house. I knew that was how she'd react but I had no choice, I was told to bring one person I could trust with me just in case (whatever he meant by that) I walked away from her house and into mine. Tonight is going to be eventful.

I got into a hoodie and jenes and I started to walk towards the front of the house. You know stealing a car was something I never saw me doing with my crush. Anyway I got a text from Noah, we were being picked up by Reek, when his car arrived he immediately began trying to flirt with me. "Well Y/N, how're you doing?" He said with a wink. "I'd rather skip the pleasantries let's go" I sighed as he started the car.

When we arrived I noticed Noah was terrified, After Reek gave us a talk we exited the car. We snuck around the back, "Noah it's not too late to turn around" I suggested. "No we have to do this" he said back to me then he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of the closing door. "You good? He asked, "yeah I'm fine" I said as I stood up. We walked through the door, "Reek said this part of the building shoybe clear" he said to me and we walked,  then we walked around the corner to a whole ass group of workers! "Tell Reek he's a dumbass" I whispered. "Strike one mastermind this place is packed" he whispered into the ear peice. Then Noah grabbed my hand and walked into the room! "What the hell-" "just act normal" he whispered.  Then I saw a security guard. "Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed his arm and then speed walked the other way, we got to the door that lead to the carpark. "You owe me" I said as I opened the door, "for what?" He asked, "from saving you from walking into the security guard" I said as I walked through.

We got into the carpark. I stole the ear peice. "So what does this look like?" I asked. "Grey Porsche with a blue stripe" he replied. I handed Noah the ear peice back. We found it. It looked kind of familiar, almost like Mirages color Pallet, 'Y/N Mirage is in hiding right now so he's probably somewhere else on earth' I thought as we approached the vehicle. Noah unlocked the car and we got in, and Noah told Reek. We are really about to steal.

Suddenly the radio started "calling all Autobots, calling all Autobots" 'Autobots. It is Mirage SHIT!" "Noah we need to-" then I saw his panicked face, "Noah, you okay?" I asked. "What am I doing?" He asked in a shaky voice. "Noah we need to get out we're not theives" I said, 'and I don't want Noah to get involved with the Autobots, he'd freak out!' "I can't, we can't we ain't no thieves" he said to Reek. "This is an emergency can you hear me Mirage?" I stiffened up. 'shitshitshitshitshitshit it's defenetly Mirage!' then I stole the ear peice to yell at Reek that I'm out. "Yo who the heck was that?" He yelled after hearing the radio. "It's the radio" I lied as I gave the ear peice back, "this car is bugging I'm out" Noah said as he turned to unlock the door. The door locked us in. "Mirage bad time" I mumbled. "What?" Noah asked. "Noah there is no way I can explain this to you without you freaking out so for now just trust me and hold onto something" I said. Then I saw a gaurd. "Hey!" He yelled, me and Noah ducked down. "Shit" Noah mumbled. "Get out of the car!" He yelled, "we're trying the car locked by itself!" Noah tried to shout, "Get out!" He continued to yell, suddenly the car started to move! "Shit!" I yelled as we sped away.

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