Chapter 3

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Uncle Ibrahim?

"Asalamualikum Brother" Said Uncle Ibrahim while hugging my father.

After hugging him he turned to me and smiled. "You've grown up, my little princess. You're not so little anymore." He said chuckling while giving me a pat on my head.

I smiled and followed them to the living room. Luckily my mother prepared the food and had the fakest smile on her face. I don't know where my stepsisters are. Probably out with their friends.

"Aisha, come help me with serving the lunch." Said my stepmother while still fake smiling at me.
I just nodded my head and followed her to my kitchen.

After lunch

We all were sitting in the living room. My father was talking to Uncle Ibrahim until he suddenly talked to me.
"Aisha, have you already started going to school?" "Yes, today was my second day, Uncle" I replied with a little smile.
"I see, do you remember Ayan? You two are supposed to be in the same school, seeing that's the nearest college here." Bruh, only if he knew.
"Yes, I've met him today." "Oh, that's great! How is he, did he recognize you? Or did you recognize him first?" Ugh, why do we have to discuss him now?!
"He recognized me first." He just nodded and said something to my father, which I couldn't quite understand.

"Aisha, can you go to your room? We want to discuss something, it's elder stuff." My father said to me, to which I nodded and went upstairs to my room."

After like 30 minutes I heard my dad calling me downstairs. I went downstairs and said goodbye to Uncle Ibrahim.

When Uncle drove off, my father turned to me excitedly after closing the door. "I'm so so so happy, after a long time!" I felt happy to know that. He deserves to be happy, and he had been depressed for years after his fight with his brother over something I don't know and Mama's death. "I'm glad Dad." I smiled.

"Me and your mother want to talk with you, let's go to the living room."
I nodded and quietly followed him to the living room.

There was my stepmother looking like she just won a million pounds award. She looked so happy, sitting on the couch and smiling widely at us.

I sat on the single sofa while my father sat next to my stepmother.

"So we got a proposal for you!" My father said happily. I froze. No no no, I already got the hint of the whole scene. I'm not stupid!
"Who?" I whispered hesitantly.
I was hoping desperately not to hear the words I was expecting.

"Ayan..." That's where my world stopped. I didn't hear what he said next. I was completely numb and just blankly looked at the wall.
"Aisha, Aisha!" My father shook me.

"Dad? Did you accept?" I asked scared. My father frowned and then just shrugged. "Yes! Of course. I couldn't make my brother upset again." I just frowned at him.
"What about me, Dad?" I asked.
"What about you?" He asked confused.

"What about my opinion?! What if I don't want to?" I snapped. My father's expression instantly turned into an angry one.
"Of course! Why would you ever want me to be happy? It's just my responsibility, right? To earn for you and keep you happy. I don't deserve happiness. You just like to see me sad. My brother, who came back to me and forgot everything, left the past behind and forgave me for everything I ever did. And so did I, I forgave him too. He made me happy, I'm blessed to have a brother, who gave me happiness after so many years. But now, when he asks me something to make him happy, I refuse. That's why I raised you, right? I'm so disappointed in you Aisha, so disappointed!" My father spat at me angrily.

I wasn't the only one who had tears in her eyes. My father had them too. With that, he stormed off to his room.

I looked down at my lap, a tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek. I felt heavy footsteps approaching me, I looked up only to be met with my stepmother's venomous eyes.

"Listen here, you little girl! Finally, after years, we have a way to get richer. Don't ruin it! I'm tired of always having a budget to buy things in. Now, after years my prayers got answered and we have a source to get richer! Make our life easier and agree to marry him! I and my daughters want to have a better life! Don't do it for us, do it for your father at least. Stop being ungrateful and accept it! Or else, you know me. I'll make you agree, let it be by hook or crook." My stepmother yelled the last part at me and stormed off.

I just wanted to run off somewhere and cry for hours. What is this? WHAT IS ALL THIS DRAMA? There's my dad's happiness and my future. What can I choose?
Oh, Allah! Help me!


2 hours later

My mind was a mess. I didn't know what to do. If my dad thinks, accepting the proposal is what is gonna make me look like I want him to be happy, then let it be.
But, what about you? What about your feelings? What about your peace? What about your happi-

My inner voice asked me but I cut it off before it could make me change my decision. No, if that's gonna make my father happy, I'm gonna do it.

What about me? Ahah, I've never found happiness, and I never will.
I guess.

Shrugging my thoughts off, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

Tear-stained face, my hair all messy and red eyes. I sighed and put my hair in a ponytail. I washed my face and just lightly put the scarf on my head. I again sighed and opened my room's door. The lights were off in the corridor.

I hesitantly walked to my father's door and knocked on it. After hearing my stepmother's voice 'Yes', I opened the door and greeted them. My father was sitting on the bed with my s/m beside him. When he saw me, he instantly looked away and scoffed.

I felt my eyes burning and fresh tears welled in my eyes. I again sighed and called him.
"Dad?" No response. I went near him and kneeled beside the bed and grabbed his hand but he instantly snatched it back.

At this point. I just wanted to run back into my room and cry. But I gathered all the courage I had left in me and stood up. "I agree." My voice was faint, barely audible. My father's head immediately turned in my direction. "What?" He asked.
"I agree, I agree to marry Uncle Ibrahim's son. A-ayan." I said while looking down at my hands.

My father stood up and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you so much, Aisha. My dear!" He then pulled back and kissed my forehead. I gave him a fake smile and turned to leave. But not before seeing my
s/m smirking.

Getting out of the room, I close the door quietly and turned back to go to my room.
"I'm gonna call Ibrahim right now!"
I heard my father say excitedly.
"Asalamu-alikum Ibrahim, my brother!"
I quickly ran to my room, not wanting to hear anything else.

Entering my room, I closed the door and leaned on it.

Did I make the right decision?


1277 words!

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Ignore any mistakes please💗
Sorry for the late chapter!
Stay safe everyone!💌✨️

(S/m = stepmother)

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