Chapter 9

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The Next Morning

Aisha's Pov

I woke up as my alarm rang, I felt myself in someone's arms. I looked up and saw Ayan sleeping peacefully with his one hand under my head and the other one wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. My face was pressing into his chest.

Feeling peaceful, I removed his arms carefully before looking at my phone and checking the time.
It was 4:46 a.m., and quickly getting up, I did wudu and looked for the prayer mat. I couldn't find it, though. Seeing the fact that Ayan has to wake up too for fajr, I hesitantly went to him.

(Fajr- first prayer)

"Ayan?" I whispered,

"Ayannn?" I spoke a little loudly this time. Still, no, response.

I huffed in annoyance after some time.

I shook him. And finally, that got him opening his eyes. He looked at me with doe sleepy eyes, and he looked so cute! Squinting his eyes, he asked, "What happened?" He asked in his deep, raspy, sleepy voice. Ughhh! I could hear it all day long without getting tired. It was - ehm ehm..

"Wake up! It's time for Fajr!" I answered.
"Fajr?" He asked, confused.
"Yes, fajr! It's time to pray." I reminded him.
"Why?" He asked, looking bored.
"What do you mean, why? Because we have to pray!" I replied.
"We don't." He replied blankly.
"We do!" I argued.
"Go pray, then! Let me sleep." He replied seeming annoyed.

"Come on, Ayan! Astagfirullah."
"Whattt?!" His voice getting loud, making me jump. My eyes watered. He turned to look at me. Seeing tears in my eyes, he got up and quickly embraced me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Shhh." He said rubbing my back. That got me crying more. "It's okay, baby. Shhh, I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead while wiping my tears with his thumb. "Okay, come on. Let's pray." He said quickly, trying to get me to stop crying. I nodded my head slightly before turning away.

"Where's the prayer mat?" I asked in a low voice.
"Uhm, it's in my parent's room, probably." He replied. I turned around to look at him shocked.
"You don't have a prayer mat in your room?" I asked shocked. He just shrugged in return. "No." He replied simply as if it was no big deal.

"You don't pray?" I asked, a bit taken aback. "Never felt the need to." He stated blankly. I just stared at him, speechless. This dude didn't feel the need to PRAY? "Should I get you a prayer mat from downstairs?" He asked scratching his neck. "O-okay," I replied.

He exited the room, and after a while, he entered again and handed it to me. "Come on, let's pray," I told him while opening the prayer mat and laying it on the floor. He stared at me blankly for a while before nodding, grabbing his mobile he went to the washroom.
Mobile? Does he seriously bring his mobile to the washroom? For real?

I sat on the sofa, waiting for him to get back.

Ayan's Pov

I quickly grabbed my phone and entered the washroom after Aisha asked me to pray with her. Sighing I searched on YouTube how to do the partial ablution. (Wudu)
Repeating what the men in the video did, I walked out and found Aisha sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.

"Let's pray!" She said happily.
Nodding my head, I went to stand nervously beside her. She looked at me, giving me an assuring smile. I smiled back, "I don't know how to pray." I nervously told her. Her eyes widened.

"You what?" She whispered. "You don't know how to pray?" She practically yelled. I just nodded my head, not knowing what else to say. I looked away from her eyes, which were filled with disappointment. Just a second later I felt a hand on my back, rubbing softly. "I'll tell you, okay?" She said softly. Nodding my head, she grabbed my hand and made me sit on the bed. Standing in front of me, she started showing me how a man prays. Because, apparently women's and men's positions are a little different.

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