Chapter 20

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Aisha's Pov

I blinked my eyes open, just to close them back quickly as the light itched my eyes. Opening them again slowly, I looked at my surroundings. Blinking again and again.

I looked at my right, and I saw a glass of water. My throat felt dry. As I was about to reach it, I felt weight on my left hand. I looked in the direction to find Ayan slumped down on a chair, his hair messy and his face hidden in my hand as he clutched my arm tightly.

Feeling the movement, he rubbed his face against my hand and then peeked up at me slowly, then suddenly jolting up, making my arm shake.

"Aisha!" He whispered and then looked at my right and saw my hand resting near the glass of water.

He quickly rushed to my right side and grabbed the glass, bringing it to my lips. I tried to drink it, but I was lying down. It was hard for me to move.

"How f*cking stupid can I be?" I heard Ayan mumble as he placed the glass back down and grabbed my shoulders, helping me sit up as he quickly sat behind me for support. He then slowly grabbed the glass and brang it to my dry lips.

I struggled opening my lips as the drop of waters slipped through my throat, making me sigh softly.

After taking a few slips, I shook my head gently, indicating Ayan I had enough. Getting it, he placed the glass down and grabbed my waist softly, making me hiss in pain.

He mumbled some cursed and then slowly picked me up, placing me on his lap, being careful with the drips attached to my hand a body, and sat me on his lap, with my back on his front.

"I'm sorry," He whispered in my hair.

Suddenly, everything flashed through my eyes. How I went to grab his the wallet, and how someone - Abeera pushed me off the stairs. Ayan picks me up and rushes towards the car.

My eyes widened.

I quickly placed a hand on my stomach, and tears gathered up in my eyes, feeling nothing but a bunch of pins attached to my covered. stomach

"T-t-the b-bab-baby?" I whispered weakly.

Ayan's grip tightened around my arms slightly before he loosened it.

"I'm sorry, my love." He whispered, and that was all for me to jolt up, ignoring the pain and trying to get out of his hold.

Ayan clearly panicked and tried to grab me.

"NO! M-MY-B- NO!" I yelled like a crazy woman as I elbowed Ayan's chest and tried getting out of his hold.

Ayan's Pov

I tried to grab Aisha as she struggled against my hold. I winced as she elbowed my chest and let go of her. She quickly tried to get off the bed but fell on the ground and cried out loud.

I rushed to her and tried to pull her back up, but she pushed me away, pushing everything away that came near her.

I heard the monitor beeping loudly, I looked back hurriedly and saw as 2 wires that were connected to Aisha's body were plugged off.

I tried to plug them again but I couldn't, because of my hand shaking.

I rushed back to Aisha and grabbed her weak, light body from behind, as the doors opened and 4 female doctors rushed in and pointed on the bed, I quickly placed her down and they pushed me out of the room making me curse at them.

I ran to my mother, who was rushing towards me, seeing my stat she grabbed me,

"S-She, A-aish- s-sh- h-her-fe-w-wir-!" I tried to make words out but I wasn't able to form anything, running oit of her breath, panicking, and she quickly dropped her bag, and made me sit on the hospital metal chairs.

She quickly pulled a water bottle out of her bag and handed it to me.

I reached pit to grab it, but my hands were shaking. As I grabbed it, it fell down, and I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated.

A few hours later, midnight at the mansion.

"YOU DISGUSTING WOMAN!" I yelled as I slapped Abeera, making her fall on the floor, her head hitting the table as she cried out loud.

"A-Ayan s-s-son-" "NO! NOT A F*CKING WORD!" I cut Abeera's father off roughly, and grabbed Abeera by her hair.

"WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU! WHAT THE F*CK DID SHE DO TO YOU?! YOU SL-" I cut myself off by slamming her head against the table and she screamed in pain.

As I was about to grab her again, I felt myself being grabbed from the back.

"Calm down, bro." I heard Zain's voice. I thrashed in his hold but soon felt myself being grabbed my Abdullah too. (His cousin)

I tried to pull myself out of their hold, as they held me back and watched all the Aunties rushing to Abeera.

"F*CKING LET ME GO!" I yelled again.

I glared back and they were unfazed.

F*cking muscular bast*rds.

Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself down.

"Let me f*cking go bow, bastards. I won't touch that b*tch." I said and they let me go.

"Calm down." Abdullah whispered as he pulled me in a brotherly hug.

A tear rolled down my cheek.


I know, it was the cringest chapter so far.

It's so cringe help-😭💀

Idk what people do in these situations😭😭 Okay nvm.

Plus, sorry for the short chapter.

Thanks for reading!🩷

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