The Mask

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The story begins with the sight of the forest.

Nothing truly out of the ordinary until the sight of a young boy is seen running through the forest. This boy is none other than Izuku Yagi.

This young man has seen and been through all manner of hell. Abandoned by those he loved, bullied and ridiculed by those he thought were friends, and now here he is running away from his old life.

Seeing that they never truly cared about him or his well being. Hell there were times that he contemplated suicide but refused to go through with it. Seeing as he felt there was something more for him out there in the world.

He remembered how it all began, with a single word.....Quirkless.

It's honestly funny if you think about it. How a single word can determine someone's fate in the mere blink of an eye.

One second he's living his happiest life with his friends and family. And love interests. Now here he is, beaten, battered, bloodied, and weak. All because of something he has no control over.

Though as time went on he never gave up his dreams of becoming a hero. Instead he was inspired and motivated by Koda. The only person in the entire friend group who didn't treat him differently.

He would always help him and if he was locked out of his house he offered him a place to sleep. And his parents didn't mind it at all.

Though unfortunately Izuku had to push him away because he didn't want him to suffer because of him. Koda understanding but still tried to help, even if Izuku had to force him to leave.

But it was on one particular day that changed him forever....


(Izuku in the flashback is 9 he was 10 when running away.)

Izuku is currently in his room bandaging himself. Since Katsuki thought it was a good idea to break his wrist.

As he was bandaging himself he heard a conversation in the other room. He peeked over to see his parents talking to his sister.

Inko: Now Izumi, do you know why we called you over here?

Izumi: No?

Toshinori: Well that's because we have a secret to tell you.

Izumi: Secret?

Izuku: (A secret?)

Toshinori went buff as he announced himself as All Might. This surprised Izumi and Izuku. Though Izuku was less surprised as he had a feeling that his father was All Might due to how similar they looked.

All Might: You see Izumi long ago I was given my quirk from my master. And I wish for you to be my successor!!

Izumi: Really!? But what De- Izuku? Why not give your quirk to him?

All Might: Unfortunately I don't see him having the heart of a hero. He isn't strong enough to handle the power of my quirk. So young Izumi, will you take my power?

Izumi: Yes I will!!!

Izuku was heartbroken from what he heard. All Might, his own father, who was quirkless like him was given a quirk. And yet why didn't he choose him? Because he didn't have the heart of a hero?

Even a drunken old man would find that excuse ridiculous!!!

The rest of that night Izuku never slept at all. He cried throughout the entire night. No one to comfort him, no one to tell him "It'll be ok". No one to "save" him from the darkness that surrounded his heart.

~Flashback End~

Izuku managed to find himself inside a cave where he wept for God knows how long. Afterwards he just sat there remembering all the things that happened to him throughout his life.

Though his thoughts were cut off as he heard a whisper coming from deeper in the cave.

He walked farther in as he kept hearing the whispers.

After a while he found a tribal shrine of sorts. And on a short pedestal lied a mask and a book of sorts.

He could hear the mask calling out to him as he walked over cautiously and took the book and then grabbed the mask.

He could hear the mask calling out to him as he walked over cautiously and took the book and then grabbed the mask

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Izuku: Woah....

Izuku looked through the book as it talked about the mask and about an unknown horned deity known as Malakai. And how he created the mask and stored his power and soul into it.

As Izuku read the book he was already intrigued by the story of Malakai. Apparently he was a Fallen God who caused and spread chaos and destruction across the world. Only to nearly fall at the hands of a brave and mighty warrior.

But before his supposed death he created the mask as he stored his power and soul into it. And had his most loyal of subjects take it somewhere where no one would find it.

The book talked about all the others who wore the mask. Some wore it to bring vengance and death, while others wanted to use it for destruction. But they all died due to power it holds as it corrupted and destroyed their mind and soul.

The subjects claiming that they weren't worthy of the power it holds. Until Izuku got to the last page of the book as it read, or as it told him....

Message: Do you, Izuku Yagi, accept my mask and power to show those who have wrong you what true power is?

The moment he heard that question he was stumped. In his mind he wanted to get revenge and payback for all the things they did to him. But his heart refused to let that happen thinking that they didn't deserve it at all.

But his mind flooded with the memories of the last 6 years. All the pain, the suffering, the loneliness, the heartache, everything. From that moment he made his decision.

Izuku: Yes I will....

He said as he put the mask on but then he felt excruciating pain throughout his entire body. He felt his entire body change, his bones crack and move, his flesh burning as if he was doused in a pit of flames.

He screamed into the air as his screaming turned into a roar. A roar of not an animal or a beast....but of a demon.

I just wanted to say that this story was made with the idea from LandofEvil42. So give this guy or gal a round of applause for giving me this great story idea.

Now I will update it from time to time. Not to wear ill wait like a couple months to almost a year to upload. Maybe at most a couple weeks. Give or take if I'm feeling up for it.

Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day, evening, and or night wherever you are.

Izuku Yagi: The Mask of MalakaiWhere stories live. Discover now