Chapter 1: Crushes

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(No intro chapter check the Description)

Ochaco's Pov

   We open during the match between deku, ochaco, Ashido  and mineta vs monoma, shinso and other 1b characters, at this point in the match monoma has ticked off deku and he lost control of his quirk…


   Dekus new quirk explodes out of him and out the building he's in alerting everyone of what's happening, especially ochaco, suddenly dekus new quirk attacks opponents and teammates dark splintering whips in a dim green glow attack at random, most just barely able to dodge, ochaco then sees deku flying in the air engulfed in his new quirk

Ochaco: deku no (w-what's happening, why is dekus arm covered in… that stuff)


   Deku crashes into another building, not hitting it hard enough to get smashed inside as he struggles to gain control of his quirk ochaco then comes from literary nowhere and gives him a nice hug, of course he can't focus on that because it feels like his arm is gonna explode

Ochaco: DEKU, PLEASE CALM DOWN (why is this happening what is- wait i-im so close to deku but… I don't feel flustered at all, that's not important…I, remember-)


Ochaco: (when I was growing up my mom and dad always looked tired, it hurt me to see them so wiped out, that's why, the first time I saw a hero on the street… I was more excited about the way the bystanders and my parents reacted than anything else I just loved to see how happy everybody looked… that's why I wanted to start helping people who were in trouble, but a simple dream, can be hard to achieve… I've watched Deku fight desperately to help those in need, and it's made me wonder…) YOU'VE- GOTTA CALM DOWN (who protects the heros, whenever they're the ones hurting the most, oh my-)

Absolute. Carnage.

Deku: RUN. Can't. Stop It.

Ochaco: (his quirks outta control… *sees shinso* target acquired) SHINSO QUICK

Shinso: what the fu-


Shinso: *dramatically removes mask* *inhales* MIDORIYA YOU SONOFABITCH

Deku: *silently suffering*


Deku: *Dramatically* OKAY~

   Suddenly the black whips of death that never caused death(yet) stopped and unexploded in spiral pattern back into dekus arm which hadn't exploded yet

   Deku has a… memory lapse, to explain his new quirk or something, no one cares, he's not the main character of this story either and so he then comes too aaand… now their slow falling

Ochaco: deku? Hello? Wake. *bitch slap* Up. Oh no, I'm sorry, did the slap hurt? (Please tell me it didn't hurt)

Deku: Urarakaka- GET AWAY, ITS TO DANGEROUS huh?

Ochaco: don't worry, shinsos brainwashing took care of you

Deku: he… did?

Ochaco: are you ok (why did toga come to mind when I think of how the everyone looks at the heros, do I want toga to look at me like that-)

Deku: oh my gosh, your hurt *lands* don't tell me, it's my fault huh-

Deku: oh my gosh, your hurt *lands* don't tell me, it's my fault huh-

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