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The next day Cassidin had been pondering on what Sophie had told him. Though he still feels undeserving of the credit, he doesn't want to dishonor Kimberly's legacy. More than that, he didn't want to deny Sophie's gratitude.

While walking through the hallway during lunch, these thoughts clouded his mind. He took off one of his violet gloves and looked at the bruising on his hand. Though he doesn't want anyone to see his hand, he does little to hide it.

In truth, it had been a while since he called Kimberly. She seems to be busier now than ever. This didn't help along with everything in his mind distracting him. His longing for his old life, his want to be like Kimberly, and his doubt that he'll ever be. He stopped in his track to fully sort through these thoughts. However, a sudden jolt came from a hand smacking his back. It was Julie.

"Move it," Julie said. "If you're going to space out, go do it somewhere you're not blocking others."

"R-right," he exclaimed, knowing he was in the wrong this time. "You ready for another tutoring session?"

She scoffed, "It's been canceled, and I don't just mean today. I am no longer your tutor."


"Don't ask me. Now get out of the way," she scowled as she walked past him.

He shrugged and moved on. He wasn't going to complain that he won't be dealing with Julie anymore. His main concern was to find Sophie and talk to her again.

He had no idea where to continue his search after the gym. She wasn't in there and he doesn't know where else she would be. Before he can continue his search, Kayah and Todd came up to him.

"Hey! Hey!" Kayah yelled.

"There's no need to scream," Todd chuckled, hiding his gaze towards Cassidin.

"Hey Kayah, and-"

"Todd," he said before Cassidin can even finish.

"What's up?" Cassidin asked, ignoring Todd's passive-aggressive tone.

"Not much," Kayah smiled. "You have Mr. Baxton as a teacher, right? He told us to come and get you."

"I can't right now," Cassidin frowned.

"What, got somewhere better to be?" Todd retorted.

"No, I'm looking for someone," he sighed.

"Well, they can wait. Mr. Baxton needs to see you."

Todd's tone matched Julie's in terms of irritation. He clenched his fists at Todd's dismissive tone but remembered not to cause any trouble. He decided that he'll look for Sophie after. With a reluctant roll of his eyes, he followed them both to Mr. Baxton's classroom.

When they arrived, Mr. Baxton was already standing up and waiting for them. He smiled when all three of them walked in. He made his way to Cassidin and gave him a warm greeting.

"How's it going Cassidin?"

"It's going well," Cassidin sighed. "Couldn't this wait until fourth period? I have you after lunch."

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