The Dens

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A/N: Heyo y'all! This is it! The BIG PLOT POINT! I'm so excited for this one! For some context, this story has been playing in my head for weeks, with different events and twists and turns. This has been my entertainment for long car rides, bedtime wind-down activity, you name it. So, I have been working on it for a LONG time. I'm so happy to finally be putting it down! I hope y'all enjoy it!



Hunk knew his friends were alright. Keith had great instincts, and if anything was wrong, he would have left. Pidge was smart, and would be able to catch on to any traps, he was sure. They had contacted them just that morning with an update: still travelling, 30 dobashes from the meet point. But they had no update since then. And, like most things, it made him nervous.

Hunk has always worried about others. If they were okay, if they were sad, if they were hungry. Especially the latter. At least that, he could fix. But he supposed that fear, that raw terror for his friends' safety, came after Lance disappeared.

He still, even after 6 years, laid awake at night wondering where he was. Hunk knew 100% Lance was alive somewhere. He knew the others were less sure, but still had the same feeling. How did he know? The others called it a "feeling", or "hope". He called it what it was: the paladin bond. Despite Allura becoming the blue paladin long ago, a part of the blue lion held on to Lance, missed him. Hunk knew that magical, inexplicable connection with Lance would disappear if he were dead. He also knew the connection was no longer one between paladin and lion, but more like old friends. He spent many a night with the blue lion, learning more about her, connecting to her relationship with Lance. He needed SOMETHING from his old friend. His search for him deepened his understanding of paladin spirits and bonds. And that was how he KNEW, for SURE, Lance was out there. He just wished he could figure out where.

And not knowing scared him.

Speaking of hanging out with the blue lion, he was doing just that when he heard the Garrison speakers sound above, calling him to the communications room. He practically ran, full of pure joy that his friends were calling, that they were (at least probably) alright.

As he rounded the door frame into the room, he was confronted with Pidge's face front and center on a monitor, Keith behind her, sharpening his Blade of Marmora knife.

"Pidge, Keith! You guys are alright!" he yelled, nearly jumping up and down with glee.

"Yeah, for now," Keith grumbled. 

Hunk saw Shiro's eyebrow lift in question. Pidge rolled her eyes in response.

"Drama queen. The Deathhawks have been planning this big takedown, and the best time to do it happens to be tonight. They need help though, and figure this is a good way to really secure this alliance. They seem confident that with the couple extra hands we can give, the mission will be a success," she explained.

"It sounds as though they wish to gauge how much assistance you can really provide in a high stakes situation, and how much our word really means," Allura added.

"Exactly. Keith's just grumpy because he's on the strike team. I'm on the rescue team."

"I'm not grumpy!" Keith defended.

"Sure, and I'm the Grand Duchess of the Bii Bohs." she attacked back, at which Hunk guffawed.

"But you guys will be safe, right?" he asked after the laughter died, anxiety creeping into his voice. Pidge smiled warmly and nodded.

"We'll be fine, Hunk, don't worry. We'll come back," she added knowingly.

Shiro smiled. "Stay safe out there, you two. Contact us when you return from the mission."

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