The Fall

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Here it is! The FINAL CHAPTER! I honestly love how this turned out. Sorry it took so long, a combination of life, zero motivation, and forgetfulness left me unable to finish.

Yeah. Six months without writing anything. No biggie, hehehe....

Anyways, I suck.

But thanks to all of you devoted readers and incredible self-loathing and guilt, I'm back!

And you can thank @NakKitira and @JeremyJamesCrepes56 for all that self-loathing and guilt. They really loved this story, and ultimately made me feel the need to actually finish it (also thank my people-pleasing tendencies. They helped XDDD).

I am 100% sure I will come back 4 years from now and be very embarrassed that I wrote this (like I look back at that one cringey HP/PJO fanfic I wrote when I was like 13). BUT THAT'S FUTURE ME'S PROBLEM!! (Hi future me. Bet you hate me. Well, SUCK IT HEHE) Anyways, enjoy y'all ;)



Lance was pouting. Yes, the fierce Captain of the Deathhawks, merciless vigilante, and excellent sharpshooter, was POUTING.

Really, it was more of a joking pout. Hirej had decided the best way to keep Lance from getting up was to forcefully (and with great grumbling from the latter) take away his prosthetic. Of course, it had worked; Lance was in no shape to be hopping his way over to Hirej to strangle him. He'd learned that the hard way, of course. His abdomen was still throbbing.

This left Lance with nothing to do, except maybe read. Hirej had found Lance's basket of laundry and had begun folding that for him, but there was nothing else in the room to do besides read and sleep. The book he had been reading, which was sitting on his side table beside him, was rather boring. Kdareon didn't seem to understand the idea of a "fairy tale" (Lance's preferred reading), and kept giving him Galran kid's books. If they weren't gruesome battle stories, they were boring history texts, as this particular one was. So, he had just settled on the idea of getting some shut eye when Keith walked in.

Lance had told Hirej that the masks didn't really matter anymore, so no scramble for his was made. He only glanced up at the intruder and continued folding.

"Hey, Lance," Keith said, crossing his arms.

"Keith," Lance returned.

Silence ensued for a minute before Hirej cleared his throat and stood to leave. With LANCE'S LEG in his arms.

"Hey! Leave that here!" Lance yelled, to which Hirej only smirked.

"Hirej, I kinda need that thing you know," he continued, his friend ignoring him completely.

"Please, man?" Hirej opened the door and stepped out.

"JERK!" Lance screeched before the door closed, a curt chuckle and a single-fingered gesture escaped Hirej as it shut.

Lance rolled his eyes, a grin slipping through his mock irritation. Keith only blinked in confusion.

"Uh... why....?" Keith started, fumbling for words.

"I can't exactly not-relax if I can't walk," Lance explained.

"Ah," Keith returned, bringing yet another silence.

"What did you want, Keith?" Lance ventured after a moment.

"I, uh, wanted to talk."

"Doing a banger job at it, aren't you?"

"Oh shut up, Lance! I... I don't exactly know what to say, I guess? Pidge just said talking would help."

 "She also tell you I don't want a ton of questions?"

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