Cotton Candy.

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              (Hey guys sorry for the wait (;3;)! I HATE ADHD. Also, there will be a bit of swearing!)

It went back to silence making sure Z00ZY isn't getting up to anything, as they thought he was doing something mischievous. "Jump off! I swear you won't get hurt!" Z00ZY says to Morgenne "Z00ZY!" G0Z yelled to get his attention "Uh oh.." Z00ZY said "Z00ZY you get down here right this instant! Do not try to get anyone to jump off a building!" G0Z said in a firm voice, YUKC0 was surprised by this sudden outburst from G0Z but also softly smiled at it. "Fine..." Z00ZY said "Good." G0Z said sounding a bit calmer. G0Z looked at YUKC0 softly smiling at him "Wanna get cotton candy? Like just a day us two? "I uh guess so!" 

YUKC0 responded "Yay!" G0Z grinned dragging YUKC0 to the cotton candy stand. They got cotton candy "Can I ask you a question?" YUKC0 asked "Why of course!" G0Z responded "Why do you worship Father Sun? YUKC0 asked "Well he's the trustworthy person! Why wouldn't I worship him?" G0Z says happily "Oh, makes sense, I guess." YUKC0 said "WAIT YUKC0 WE HAVE A SHOW TO DO TODAY!" G0Z said snapping out of the calm voice. "OH SHIT." YUKC0 said. "First of all language, YUKC0. Second of all we are so lucky that Z00ZY wont be doing it, now cmon!" G0Z said dragging YUKC0's arm

**1 hour later**

"You ready? Its only them asking questions." G0Z said "Okay.." YUKC0 said a bit annoyed he had to do his job. They walk outside to the circus tent talking to each other, the crowd gets louder seeing them. "All of my clowny friends, please calm down we will start to answer questions!" G0Z said in a voice that sounds like its very happy. A hand goes up "You! the green hair and blue sweater! Whats your question?" G0Z said pointing at someone "What do you think of YUKC0?" the stranger asked. "Well I think he's a nice and handsome clowny friend!" handsome, that caught YUKC0 off guard. The person was pleased with the answer sitting back down, next thing you know another hand is up. "you the pink shirt brown hair! Whats your question?" G0Z asked "are you guys dating?" the stranger asked, that caught both of them off guard "Well we arent, sorry for if that's not a answer you were looking for!" G0Z said. The stranger went back down fine with the answer. Time had passed and the show was done or really, the QnA.

424 WORDS!! :3

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