𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 • 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙮𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙬𝙖

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Another Genya one bc he's my lil bby <3

Genya Shinazugawa x Reader

warning: injured - season 3 spoilers

Genya yelled, patting himself down as Nezuko's flames spread across his arms. "Gen!" Y/n yelled watching him helplessly as she was struggling to hold onto the demon, Trying to help Tanjiro behead him. Genya shook off the remainder of the flames, Reverting to his normal form as the demon blood was circulating from his system.

As he turned to help his three friends it was as if time slowed down. He watched as the demon continued backwards towards the edge, Y/n and Tanjiro still holding onto it, His eyes widening as he started towards them. "Y/n!" He yelled reaching out to her, His hand missing her by inches as he watched them plummet from the cliff.


The last thing y/n remembered was falling from the cliff.

Her body ached, Vision blurred as she looked up at the sky. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears as she rolled to her side, Trying to force herself to move.

'The fight isn't over, Get up.'

As her legs shifted a pain shot up her left leg.
'My ankle.. it's broken.'

She struggled to sit up, The pain in her ankle was unbearable, But she knew they had yet to behead the main body. She squinted her eyes as she looked around, Trying to spot her friends. Rocks falling from the cliff above drew her attention upwards. Genya. Her vision was still blurred but she could make out his purple attire, He was attempting to safely climb off the ledge she had plummeted from just moments ago. She turned her head slightly to the left, Putting her hand up to block the sun as it came over the horizon. 'The sun... Nezuko.' Y/n's eyes struggled to scan the area, Her vision becoming spotty as began trying to stand again to no avail, Her hands hitting the rough gravel in front of her as she fell forward to her knees.

"Tanjiro. Nezuko." Her voice was horse, She could barely tell if she had actually spoken at all as her ears rang, Head still pounding from the fall. Her limbs began giving out completely as she attempted to crawl towards the blurry figures across the field, Her body falling limp as the edges of her vision darkened. She looked up towards her friends, Nezuko kicking Tanjiro off her being the last thing she sees before everything goes dark.

~ time skip ~

4 weeks. That's how long it had been since Nezuko concurred the sun.

4 weeks of Genya waiting, Sleepless nights, and Therapy training.

4 week and y/n still hadn't woken up.. Until today.

"She's awake."

That's all Genya had to hear. He was mid his daily training routine Aoi had given him when he heard those two words.

He ran. Ran to the Butterfly Mansion. Ran down the halls to her room. He shoved past Tanjiro and the nurses tending to her, Breaking down almost immediately as he reached her bedside.

This was only the second time anyone but Y/n and Sanemi had ever seen Genya cry, The first only being 4 weeks ago when they announced her comatose state.

"Oh Gen.." Y/n's voice was low and raspy, Her hand reaching up to his face, a small smile on her lips. Her ankle and head wrapped tightly with gauze, The falling having crushed her ankle, and left her concussed, Lucky to be alive. "I thought I lost you." Genya choked out, Collapsing beside her, his head resting on her chest as tears streamed down his face. Everyone else in the room stepping out to give the two a bit of privacy.

"You can't get rid of me that easy darling." She sat up in her bed, A small gasp escaping her lips as her body ached from the movement. Genya looked up at her, his eyes glistening with tears, Before he grabbed her face softly, and placed his lips to hers. The kiss was soft, As if he thought any sudden movements would put her back into the coma she had lived in for the past month. As the two parted Genya let out a shaky breath, The feeling of relief finally washing over him as he looked at his lover.

A small knock on the door frame caused the two to look over. Tanjiro and Nezuko stood at the entrance to the room, A relieved smile on Tanjiro's face as he saw the girl finally awake again. Nezuko took a few steps closer to the bed, Gaining a look of shock from the h/c haired girl.

"Good morning." Nezuko spoke with a closed eyed smile. Tears began filling y/n's eyes, her bottom lip quivering as she began to remember what she had seen before blacking out. "Nezuko, You're okay!" She cried out, Genya reaching up to hug her to him as she let her tears flow.

The two boys explained to her what had happened, Them finishing off the main body, How Nezuko had done the impossible, How they got her home, and how the last 4 weeks had been the longest of their lives. Tanjiro and Nezuko soon saying their goodbyes and leaving the couple to their own devices.

Genya now laying in her hospital bed, Y/n's head on his chest. "Please don't ever leave me like that again." Genya said softly, his right hand tracing small shapes along her back as she lay close to him. Y/n smiled lightly at him, looking up to his face, Placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I could never leave you Shinazugawa."


ahh im so sorry that it's short but I absolutely love this <33

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