𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚 • 𝙕𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝘼𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙖

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Zenitsu Agatsuma x Reader
warnings: none

Reader can sense souls and uses Light Breathing.

Y/n L/n lived alone from the age of 13, Her family slaughtered by a demon, A slayer saving her just in the nick of time. Her Mom, Dad, and younger sister, All taken from her in one fell swoop. From that day on she swore she would avenge them.

Y/n grew up in a small village, Her family kept to themselves, Though she did have one friend.

Zenitsu Agatsuma.

She was very close to the brown haired boy, The two near inseparable in their younger years, Even promising to marry at one point. But as they grew so did the space between them, The slaughter of her family finally pushing them apart as she left the village in search of the demon who did it. Promising him she would find him again one day.

She trained over the next two years, Day and night, Finally entering the corps herself at 15.

Now a year later, Y/n would stop at nothing to end all of demon kind.

Y/n had been sent on a mission to a small village in a forest, two demons who took small children specifically. The thought of these children losing their lives to demons the way her younger sister had years earlier is what drew her to this mission.

Now she stood in a small opening in the forest, Her hands gripping her sword tightly as she faced the two demons, Both grinning at her, Expecting to finish her off easily as she was outnumbered. The younger looking of the two attacked her first, His speed catching her off guard as he sent her flying back into a tree. "Stop playing with the food and let's get this over with." The older looking one spoke angrily, Fists clenched as he prepared to attack.

Y/n clenched her teeth, Spreading her feet and taking her stance, Preparing for her own attack. "Light Breathing, First Form: Pronated Shadow Slash!" Her body darting forward past the two demons, The speed of her form confusing the demons as it left a mirage of herself behind, giving her time for her real attack. "Light Breathing, Fourth Form: Burning Lion Slash." She lept toward the younger one, Slicing his neck before he could even turn around, His head falling to the ground, Curses spewing from his mouth.

"If you want something done right." The older demon growled. "You have to do it yourself." He lunged at her, Sending her flying through the forest, A scream coming from her as her body rolled through the brush. Blood began soaking her sleeve, a large gash from the demons attack appearing. She realized the older one would be much harder to defeat, As she struggled to stand she began sensing another soul.. then two, three.. four. More demons? No, The souls felt lighter than those of a demon, Though one felt a little off.

"The smells coming from this way!" She heard a voice shout, The sound of leaves crunching filled the air as the owners of the other souls entered the area. 'Slayers.' She felt a sense of relief knowing other members of the corps were here. "Hey! Are you okay!?" The same voice that she heard spoke out to her, She turned her head to the side to see a boy in a checkered haori. She nodded in response, Gripping her sword in her right hand. "I'm bleeding but Im okay! took care of one, But the second one of much stronger!" She shouted out, Causing the demon to release a deep laugh. "Aw I'm flattered, But Kumi was weak! If you think he was strong, I'm afraid you've already failed." The demon growled out, Lunging at her.

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